One day more than ten years later, Mu Zong's son, Wen Zong, talked to Liu Gongquan and others again, saying that his robes had been washed three times. When all the people present immediately praised the simplicity and virtue of literate Sect, only Liu Gongquan said nothing. When Wenzong asked why, Liu Gongquan replied, "Your Majesty, you are the son of heaven and rich in the world. You should choose the virtuous and appoint the competent, and oust the unscrupulous ministers; It is also necessary to accept exhortation and clear rewards and punishments in order to make the world truly harmonious and bright. As for wearing a dress that has been washed several times, it is only a trivial matter. " These remarks show that "sincere" Liu Gongquan is once again sleek and bold.
After that, he wrote a good word and said a word that was beneficial to the country until his death.
"The heart uses a pen, and the heart is always there." Liu Gongquan cultivated a "willow bone" with "mindfulness", and created an upright and good official image for history and future generations.
Such a good minister doesn't like a knowledgeable emperor.