Su Dongpo presented Wang Dingguo with a poem, which was written by Li Shixing, a fellow countryman. Li Gong's name is a son, and the word is timely. The official has achieved the promotion of Qingzhou. At the beginning, Zheng Ding in Fujian was famous for his calligraphy, and celebrities admired him for a time. Li Shixing got a word of Qin Guan written by him and personally imitated him for twenty years, so he wrote another interesting modality, which was bold, elegant, leisurely and beautiful, and became a family book. Li Gong's temperament is the most distant and indifferent, but he likes calligraphy and is never satisfied. Wherever I visited, I took off my hat, clothes, shoes and socks happily, sat down and recited poems on the wall, took out paper and pencil, copied them dozens of times, and happily left all day. His wife was in labor, and Li Gong boiled hot water for her, wrote on the ashes after burning firewood, and kept moving his fingers and wrists without taking a break. After a long time, he heard the crying of the child and remembered that his wife wanted to drink water. After his death, his wife was poor and didn't know where to bury him, so she buried him in Qingzhou. Alas! You can see Li Gong's character! A few decades ago, Li Gong's calligraphy went to many ordinary people. At that time, people didn't wake up and value them. Now people who buy them can't buy them at a high price. Although the ancients wrote small things, some of them were forgotten at that time, but their brilliance and essence would not be hidden in the end, so Li Gong's calligraphy was forgotten for a while and finally revealed to the world.
is this it?