This is a piece of Zhangcao work
The air in the sea is cold or warm, and there are all kinds of feelings that cannot be discussed. The sound of springs is clear and rhymed, and the pines are quiet and quiet. The red condensation and the bright flowers are shining in Jingjing, and the green and broken spring sound is the sound of the wheat waves. Zhiyuan should be written by Ning Dan, listen to the scriptures, sit and love the stone, and be able to talk.
Mo (Tong Dui) Looking over the Yangming Mountain in the spring rain, using gentle words from gentle scholars in response to the instructions of the wise and wise nephew
Da Ning Tang. Mo Jun
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This may be a modern calligraphy work by Zhang Mojun. I don't know, right?
Zhang Mojun (1884-1965), female, was originally named Zhaohan, her nickname was Baochi, her courtesy name was Shufang, her English name was Shafiya, and she was a native of Xiangxiang County (now Xiangxiang City), Hunan Province. Chinese democratic revolutionary, pioneer of the women's movement, educator of the Republic of China, and famous modern female poet and scholar.