There are 349 households in the village, population 1448. The cultivated land area is more than 2200 mu. There are 53 people in party member and 24 villagers' representatives. Qinglan Expressway passes through the north of the village, and Yongfeng Highway is 2 kilometers away from the east of the village, so the traffic conditions are very convenient. Shaozhuang village has a long history and culture and has been called "cultural village" for many years. Mr. Shao Fuxun, a calligrapher of Wu 'an generation, was trained and Shao's calligraphy system was formed. On 20 19 1 month, Shaozhuang Village was named "Calligraphy Village of Hebei Province" by Hebei Calligraphers Association.
Shaozhuang Village is adjacent to Beidashe Village, Baimasi Village, XiaLiu Quan Village, Yuntai Village, Beisan Village, ZhongLiu Quan Village, Xishu Village, Nanzhengyu Village, Shushu Village, Yehe Village, Huyu Village, Xinpushang Village, Wujiazhuang Village and Baojiazhuang Village.
There are Liu Quan Site, Shucun Jia Zhu Manor, Wu 'an Zhangshijie House, Wild Crane Tower, Jingniang Lake Scenic Area and other tourist attractions. There are also Wu 'an Xiaomi, Wu 'an Lamian Noodles, Wu 'an Matang, Wu 'an braised dishes, Wu 'an Lamian Noodles and other specialties.