After arriving in Yuan You, Mi Fei learned about Qiu Yong County, and Zi Zhan was recalled from Yangzhou to Beijing. Mina ate a meal. After I arrived, I made a long case, with 300 fine pens, fine ink and wonderful paper for each case, and put them beside me. Zi Zhan saw it and sat down with a smile. Every wine line, that is, the paper is displayed as a word. Two short stories grinding ink, not much to offer. At dusk, the restaurant is finished and the paper is exhausted, making it easier to carry.
Minai lifts rice: it means that Minai doesn't buy rice, so "lifting" means buying food.
Arrive: This sentence means to arrive late. Among them, "bi" is an adverb, which means already and later. ...
Everyone has a beautiful pen: it's simple, meaning "use"
Dusk: This word refers to the evening when the sun is about to set. Thin can be understood as "close".