1. The words of Wang Youjun
It is said that once, Wang Xizhi saw an old woman carrying a basket of hexagonal bamboo fans selling fans at the market. She could not sell them, so she went to the market. Wang Xizhi said to her: "You have no paintings or characters on this bamboo fan, so of course you can't sell it. How about I inscribe words on it for you?"
Wang Xizhi picked up his pen and painted dragons and phoenixes on each fan. He wrote five characters on the ground and gave it back to the old woman. The old woman was illiterate and felt that his writing was very sloppy and she was very unhappy.
Wang Xizhi comforted her and said: "Don't worry, tell the people who bought the fans that the words on them were written by Wang Youjun." When Wang Xizhi left, the old woman did as he said. Everyone rushed to buy Wang Youjun's calligraphy, and a basket of bamboo fans was sold out immediately.
2. Cleverly patching up Spring Festival couplets
The great calligrapher Wang Xizhi would write Spring Festival couplets and post them on the door every New Year's Eve, because his handwriting is known as "the best running script in the world". Everyone wants to know the words but it is rare.
This year, New Year's Eve came again, and Wang Xizhi wrote the Spring Festival couplets with the eight characters "Blessings come without pairs, misfortunes never come singly" as usual, leaving the lower half. Those who wanted to steal the couplets saw that these eight characters were too It was unlucky, so he returned disappointed. At the Yin hour, Wang Xizhi added the second half, and it became "Unparalleled blessings have come this morning, and misfortunes never come alone last night." Early the next morning, the person who wanted to steal the Spring Festival couplets saw that the couplets had changed. Everyone was amazed and applauded.
3. Wang Xizhi’s Calligraphy Bamboo Fan
Wang Xizhi was a great calligrapher during the Eastern Jin Dynasty in my country. He came from a noble family, and because of his outstanding talents, all the ministers in the court recommended him to be an official. He served as governor and general of the Right Army (people also called him Wang Youjun).
Wang Xizhi loved writing since he was a child. It is said that when I usually walk, I always use my fingers to practice calligraphy. As time goes by, even my clothes are scratched. After diligent study and practice, Wang Xizhi's calligraphy became more and more famous. People at that time regarded his writing as a treasure.
It is said that once, Wang Xizhi went to a village. An old woman was selling a basket of hexagonal bamboo fans at the market. That kind of bamboo fan was very simple, with no decoration, and it did not attract the interest of passers-by. It seemed that it could not be sold, and the old woman was very worried.
Wang Xizhi felt sorry for the old woman when he saw this situation, so he stepped forward and said to her: "You have no paintings or words on this bamboo fan, so of course you can't sell it. How about I inscribe it for you?" ?”
The old woman didn’t know Wang Xizhi, so seeing his enthusiasm, she gave him a bamboo fan to write on.
Wang Xizhi picked up his pen and wrote five words on each fan, then returned them to the old woman. The old woman was illiterate and felt that his writing was very sloppy and she was very unhappy.
Wang Xizhi comforted her and said: "Don't worry. Tell the person who bought the fan that it was written by Wang Youjun."
As soon as Wang Xizhi left, the old woman did as he said. When people at the market saw that it was Wang Youjun's calligraphy, they all rushed to buy it. A basket of bamboo fans was sold out immediately.