Come and go, dense to sparse, swallow dance warbler fly. The wind is clear and the moon is bright, and the dew is heavy and the smoke is clear. The frost chrysanthemum is thin, the rain plum is fat, and the guest road is opposite to the fishing rock. The sunset glow is beautiful, and the morning dew is dotted with pearls. In summer summer, guests miss stone pillows, and in autumn, women miss skirts. In the depth of spring, fishermen go to the grass bank; At sunset, lusa went to the shepherd boy's house.
Forgive the fierceness, right and wrong, and serve the beauty to gain weight. Coral is to tortoise shell, and splendor is to pearl. Peach is burning, Liu Yiyi, green is dark, and red is thin. The warbler crows at the window and the swallow flies outside the curtain. Han Zhi Taiping has a three-foot sword, which is a uniform. Sing a poem about the moon, only worrying about the moon setting; Pour the wine to send spring, but regret the spring return.
Sound to color, full to hunger, tiger festival to dragon flag. Huayang to laurel leaf, Bai Jian to Zhu Yi. Dogs bark, swallows fly, swing around, imposing. It's sunny in spring and cold in autumn. He sent an envoy Feng to other places and treated Yin and others' differences and Weng's return well. Yan, my brother, sings; I will be a general, and I will sing for the willow tree.