After Shizhou entered the city, he burned the gates and houses of the Buddhist temple, and the flames shot into the sky. Yan Zong and Jing Xian entered from the city gate and attacked from both sides. The Zhou army was in chaos. In desperation, he hurriedly ran out of the city, squeezing and trampling on others, and injuring many people. The Qi army hacked at them from behind, leaving more than two thousand corpses behind. There was almost no one around Emperor Wu of Zhou. He wanted to run, but he had no choice. Sergeant Zhang Shou turned the horse's head, and Emperor Wu of Zhou quickly climbed on the horse's back. He Bafenn hit Qi Ren who was chasing behind him with his whip, and ran out one high and one low. The people fought bravely and almost caught him. The east side of the city is narrow and winding, with many forked roads. As a guide, Fern and the Fallen's Skin survived. It was four o'clock. Yan Zong thought that Emperor Wu of Zhou died in the chaos, so he asked the soldiers to search for bearded people among the piled corpses, but to no avail. At this time, Qi Ren won and went to the winery to drink. Soon they were too drunk to get up, and Yan Zong couldn't cheer them up. Emperor Wu of Zhou fled from the city, hungry, and wanted to leave this dangerous place as soon as possible. Both King Qi Xian and King Zhu Yi suggested that escaping was not the best option. Duan Chang, Yanzong's rebel general, also offered to talk about the emptiness in the city. Emperor Wu of Zhou reined in his horse, blew his horn, and retreated. Soon his morale was restored. Early the next morning, the east gate was attacked again and the door was broken. I quickly entered the south gate. Yanzong resisted stubbornly and was exhausted. He fled to the center of the north of the city and was captured alive by the Zhou army. When he saw Yanzong, Emperor Wu of Zhou got off his horse and took his hand. Yanzong hurriedly withdrew his hands and said: "How dare a dead man touch the Supreme Being?" The emperor said: "What enmity do the two emperors have? It's just for the people. Please don't worry, we won't hurt you." Let Yanzong get dressed. Be polite. Earlier, there was a mountain in Dugao County. One side of the cliff faces the water. Suddenly, a big black word appeared on the wall: "Wu Qiyan Zong." After being washed away by the rain, the handwriting became clearer. The emperor sent someone to copy it, but the envoy changed "Wu" to "Shang".
This has just been proven in the past few days. Before Yanzong's defeat, he saw two days connected at the Yecheng Guild Hall. On December 13, he merged with the state and established the title the next day. Within a day, he was surrounded by Zhou's people. After a night, he became a prisoner while eating. In the year of "Dechang", good people have the word "Chang" attached to them for two days. Not long after, Emperor Wu of Zhou asked Yanzong for advice on how to capture Yecheng. Declined: "A doctor who has perished is not a country that is still alive. I can't interfere in this matter." After repeated questioning, he said, "I don't know if the city king will help Yecheng. If the city king defends the palace, your majesty may not Fight with blood."
Not long after Emperor Wu of Zhou was sent to Chang'an, he drank with the princes and ministers of Qi. After finishing the wine, Wu Zhou ordered the queen to stand up and dance. Seeing this, Yanzong was sad. I tried to commit suicide many times by taking poison, but the palace maid tried to persuade me to give up the idea. A few days later, Zhou Zhu falsely accused the late Lord and Yanzong, saying that they echoed Mutipa's rebellion from afar, so they both gave him the throne. When the Lord passed the throne to the prince, Sun secretly told people : "I will be a scholar Cao in Guangzhou in the middle of Wuding period, and listen to the words of Cao Pu, a native of Xiangcheng. Gao Wang Zhu'er, the protector of the emperor, has the highest virtue, and the country will perish." Abao means "natural protection", " "De" means "Dechang", and "Cheng" is the title of the successor "Chengguang". Its word can be attached to the rise and fall of Qi State.