Legend has it that the emperor at that time went to the northern suburbs to offer sacrifices and asked Wang Xizhi to write his congratulatory message on a board, and then sent workers to carve it. The sculptor cut the board layer by layer and found that Wang Xizhi's calligraphy ink had been printed into the board.
He didn't reach the bottom until he cut into a depth of three points. Woodworkers are amazed at Wang Xizhi's pen power, perfect calligraphy skills and his pen power. Cut to the chase is derived from this story.
2. Zhang Zhi
Zhang Zhi is Zhang Huan's eldest son, whose name is Boying. When he was young, he was very disciplined. Although he was born in an official family, he is not a dude. He is studious and devoted to calligraphy. Qiu of this dynasty thought that he was either a scholar or a master. He was repeatedly asked to be an official, but he refused, so he was called "Zhang Youdao".
He devoted himself to studying calligraphy, especially cursive script, and studied under Cui Du's method. His father, Zhang Huan, forged stone tables, benches and Mo Chi by the river for the convenience of Zhang Zhi's brother. From then on, Zhang Zhi's brothers made paper out of silk, studied books in the pond, practiced calligraphy first, then rinsed it, and then used it. Day after day, year after year, the water turned black, and later it was called Mo Chi of Cecilia Cheung.
Cui Du's brushwork is even more familiar to him. He finally got rid of the old customs, created a whole and turned it into a modern grass. Font an achievement, occasionally broken, blood constantly; The handwriting is constantly running through the context and staggered.
3. Zhong You
It is said that when Zhong You was a child, he followed Liu Sheng to Baodu Mountain and studied calligraphy for three years. He often talks about calligraphy with Cao Cao, Han Danchun, Dan Wei and others. On one occasion, Zhong You borrowed a painting from Cai Boyi, but didn't lend it to him. Zhong You was so angry that he pounded his chest and vomited blood. Cao Cao took out five pills and let him take them, only to save his life.
After Dan Wei's death, Zhong You ordered a grave robbery, and finally got this "Cai Bo brushwork". Since then, Zhong You's calligraphy has become more and more refined.
Zhong You concentrates on learning calligraphy, sometimes writes with his fingers while lying in bed, and often wears out the quilt that covers him. Sometimes you forget when you go to the bathroom. Seeing all kinds of objects, he thought of calligraphy, tried to write it down and draw it. Zhong You is also good at tricolor books (i.e. inscriptions, articles of association and notes).
4. Wang Xianzhi
On one occasion, Huan Wen asked Wang Xianzhi to write on a fan. Wang Xianzhi wrote with a brush, and suddenly the pen fell on the fan, polluting the words. Wang Xianzhi turned the ink into a dark horse, which was very beautiful.
5. Yan Zhenqing
When Yan Zhenqing was in prison, he visited Wuyuan. There are long-standing unjust prisons in the local area, and they are dry. After Yan Zhenqing rehabilitated the unjust verdict, it rained cats and dogs, and Wuyuan people called it "rain protection".