Cursive script is a font of Chinese characters, which can be divided into broad sense and narrow sense. In a broad sense, regardless of the age, all scribbled words are regarded as cursive. Narrow sense, that is, as a specific font, was formed in the Han Dynasty and evolved on the basis of official script in order to write simply.
Xinde seal calligraphy
Broadly speaking, seal script includes all the characters before official script and their extended genera, such as bronze inscriptions, Shi Guwen, ancient prose of Six Kingdoms, small seal script, Miao seal script, overlapping seal script and so on. In a narrow sense, it mainly refers to Da Zhuan and Xiao Zhuan. The font of seal script is round and the structure conforms to the meaning of six books, so Sun said in the Tang Dynasty, "Seal script is graceful and smooth".
Xinde xingshu calligraphy
Running script is a kind of calligraphy, which is divided into running script and running script. It is developed and originated on the basis of regular script, and it is a font between regular script and cursive script.