Which calligrapher's story is a story that penetrates three points?

At that time, the emperor went to the northern suburbs to offer sacrifices and asked Wang Xizhi to write his congratulatory message on a board, and then sent workers to carve it. The sculptor was very surprised when he carved. Wang Xizhi's calligraphy and brushwork actually penetrated into the wood for more than three points. He praised: "The words of the general of the right army are really incisive!" Wang Xizhi of Jin Dynasty was a man of few words and broad mind. Seven-year-old good book, twelve see the previous generation of "Bi Shuo" (1) in the father's pillow, secretly read it. Father said, "Why did you steal my secret?" Xi smiled and didn't answer. Mother said, "Look at the brushwork." Father thinks it is too small to keep a secret. Xi's language says, "I'll teach you when you are an adult." Xihe's invitation, still in use today, makes it possible for adults to treat, which may cover up the children's orders. Father was very happy, so he followed. In unprofitable month (3), books will make great progress. When Mrs. Wei saw it, she said, "This son must read the book Tactics with a Pen. If you read his book carefully, you will have the wisdom of age. " He cried and said, "This child will stamp my name." When the Jin emperor offered sacrifices to the northern suburbs, he even wished the version ⑦, and the workers cut it. Thirty-three, the book "Preface to Lanting Collection". Thirty-seven, book Huang Tingjing. Words speak louder than words. At that time, the emperor went to the northern suburbs to offer sacrifices and asked Wang Xizhi to write his congratulatory message on a board, and then sent workers to carve it. The sculptor was very surprised when he carved. Wang Xizhi's calligraphy and brushwork actually penetrated into the wood for more than three points. He praised: "The words of the general of the right army are really incisive!" Wang Xizhi of Jin Dynasty was a man of few words and broad mind. Seven-year-old good book, twelve see the previous generation of "Bi Shuo" (1) in the father's pillow, secretly read it. Father said, "Why did you steal my secret?" Xi smiled and didn't answer. Mother said, "Look at the brushwork." Father thinks it is too small to keep a secret. Xi's language says, "I'll teach you when you are an adult." Xihe's invitation, still in use today, makes it possible for adults to treat, which may cover up the children's orders. Father was very happy, so he followed. In unprofitable month (3), books will make great progress. When Mrs. Wei saw it, she said, "This son must read the book Tactics with a Pen. If you read his book carefully, you will have the wisdom of age. " He cried and said, "This child will stamp my name." When the Jin emperor offered sacrifices to the northern suburbs, he even wished the version ⑦, and the workers cut it. Thirty-three, the book "Preface to Lanting Collection". Thirty-seven, book Huang Tingjing. Talking to yourself is really friendlier than Zhong. shield