In the study era, Wang Xizhi's father, Wang Kuang, was a magistrate in Danyang, Huainan, examining the internal history; Uncle Wang Dao, after three dynasties of Yuan Di, Ming Di and Chengdi, became a monk and became a teacher, and the stability of political affairs after crossing the south depended on his strength. At that time, there was a folk proverb: "Wang Dao and Ma, * * * the world", and the history books also recorded that at the beginning of the establishment of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Wang Dao and Emperor * * * accepted the greetings of the ministers, and it was conceivable that the family was harmonious.
Xihe was not good at words when he was young, but when he grew up, he was eloquent, honest and frank, and enjoyed a high reputation. Wang Xizhi loved calligraphy since childhood and was enlightened by his father Wang Kuang and his uncle Wang Yu. When he was seven, he was good at writing. At the age of twelve, his father taught him the theory of brushwork, and he learned something by "sketching language". Wang Kuang's kindness and Li Shu: Wang Mang is good at calligraphy and painting. Wang Sengqian's "On Books" once commented: "Before crossing the river to the east and the right army, Xun was the most important, painting was the teacher, and writing was the method of the right army." Wang Xizhi was deeply influenced by the Wangs in calligraphy since he was a child.
Because he loves calligraphy, he also studied calligraphy with his aunt, the famous female calligrapher Mrs. Wei. Later, he studied the calligraphy of his predecessors, such as Li Si, Cao Xi, Zhang Zhi, Cai Yong and Liang You. This makes his calligraphy integrate the strengths of various schools and become a family of his own. In addition, there are many people in his family who are good at calligraphy, which is also very meaningful for his calligraphy study.
Wang Xizhi has profound attainments in regular script, cursive script and calligraphy. His regular script is ingenious and dense, opening up a new realm; His cursive script is a compromise; His running script is very attractive and healthy. People call his words "floating like clouds, agile like dragons"; "Yue Long heaven, the tiger lies in the phoenix pavilion".
Wang Xizhi's calligraphy is good at regular script, running script and cursive script. On the basis of the simple calligraphy style of Han and Wei Dynasties, he learned from others and created a new style of beautiful and elegant calligraphy. It has a far-reaching influence on later generations and is known as the "book saint".
Wang Xizhi's regular script, such as Le Yi Lun, Huang Ting Jing and Dong Fangshuo Hua Zan, was very popular in the Southern Dynasties and had a great influence on later generations.
Wang Xizhi is an innovator in calligraphy, and his main achievements are in running script and cursive script. His cursive script is honored as "the sage of grass" by the world. He combined some advantages of using the brush and Guan Zi scattered in ancient and contemporary calligraphy works to become a brand-new calligraphy work.
His main work is as follows: 1. On Le Yi: Wang Xizhi's book, fine print. Second, Huang Tingjing: lowercase. Preface to Lanting Collection: This article was written by Wang Xizhi on March 3rd, the 9th year of Yonghe in the Eastern Jin Dynasty (A.D. 353), at an "addendum" banquet with some scholars. Fourth, Quick Xueming: The Book of Wang Xizhi. The running script has four lines, and the font is smooth and beautiful. Yuan Zhao Mengfu once called this post "the best calligraphy in the world". 5. Confucius in the post: Confucius in the post and Frequent Sorrow, Wang Xizhi's running script, the two posts are connected into a piece of paper. Sixth, the funeral post: "Mourning? Two thanks? " De Tieshi is a copy of Wang Xizhi's letters, running script and paper in Tang Dynasty. Seven, seventeen posts: Seventeen posts are Wang Xizhi's cursive masterpiece, and the content is his letters.
Wang Xizhi is also good at painting, and he is one of the earliest calligraphers who are also good at painting. His wife Xi and his seven sons are good at calligraphy. They are a world-famous calligraphy family, which is also rare in the ancient history of China. Especially his youngest son, Wang Xianzhi, inherited his father's knowledge and further created a unique world. His calligraphy and painting are beautiful and wonderful. He is even as famous as his father and is called "Two Kings".