People with traditional education generally have a good habit of cherishing words like gold. In the past, the towns and villages paid together, and each district hired an old man to pick up the words and papers that fell on the street, including all newspapers, postcards and advertising papers. As long as you pick up the paper with words written or printed on it, pour it into the "font library" in the temple or on the corner and burn it. This kind of paper stove is specially used for burning paper. Every once in a while, someone will take the paper ash out of the stove and scatter it in the river or the sea to show respect for the words. This custom of respecting and cherishing Chinese characters stems from the ancient people's belief that Chinese characters are sacred gifts handed down from God. Moreover, because Chinese characters can make people know the past and the present, and make great contributions to the world, they must be respected and cherished.
Emperor Wen Chang repeatedly advised people to respect and cherish Chinese characters, so respecting and cherishing Chinese characters became another feature of Wen Chang's belief. However, with the rapid changes of modern society, it has disappeared rapidly in the past 30 years. The custom of respecting and cherishing word paper is no longer, and the "word paper stove" that was once everywhere has disappeared. The sacrificial activities in Wenchang Temple are no longer large-scale ceremonies organized by literati and gentry, but mostly sacrifices made by believers out of their inner wishes. Moreover, the peak season of worshipping Wenchang has changed from Wenchang's birthday to July, the most frequent exam. Every July, the incense in Wenchang Temple is still in full swing, and we will see candidates taking various joint exams, photocopying the admission ticket on the god table and praying to be the first; This kind of sacrifice has become another special form of Wenchang sacrifice, and it has also caused another grand occasion of Wenchang sacrifice.