The classical Chinese translation of "Shu Duan·Wang Xizhi" is as follows:
Wang Xizhi of the Jin Dynasty, named Yishao, was the son of Wang Kuang. He was good at calligraphy at the age of seven. At the age of twelve, he saw the book "The Theory of Writing" written by previous generations about calligraphy, and stole it from his father's pillow to read. His father said, "Why did you steal my secret book?" Wang Xizhi smiled but didn't In answer, his mother asked: "Are you looking at the brushwork?" His father saw that he was young and might not be able to understand, so he told Xizhi: "I will teach you calligraphy when you grow up." Xizhi knelt down and let his son see it now. This book, if you read it when you are older, it will delay your child's early development.
The father was very happy and gave the book to him immediately. In less than a month, my calligraphy has improved a lot. After Mrs. Wei knew about it, she told Taichang Wang Ce: "This child must be reading "Yongbi Jue". Recently, when I saw his calligraphy, he has become a master." She said with tears: "This child will definitely be able to cover up his calligraphy in the future." My reputation." During the reign of Emperor Jin, sacrifices were made in the northern suburbs, and the celebration plates were changed. The craftsman's engraving was written by Xizhi, and the calligraphy was penetrating into the wood.
Original text: Jin Wang Xizhi, named Yi Shao, Kuangzi Ye, was good at calligraphy at the age of seven. Twelve years ago, I ghostwritten it and put it in my father's pillow, and read it in secret. His father asked, "Why did you come to steal my secret?" Xizhi laughed but did not answer. His mother asked, "How do you think about the brushwork?" Seeing that he was young, his father was afraid that he could not keep it a secret, so he said, "When you are an adult, I will teach you." The father was happy and followed him. If there is no surplus month, the book will be greatly improved.
When Mrs. Wei saw her, she said to Taichang Wang Ce: "This boy will definitely know how to use a pen. If he sees his writing up close, he will have mature wisdom." She shed tears and said, "This boy will definitely hide my name. !”
During the reign of Emperor Jin, he offered sacrifices to the northern suburbs and made more blessings. Workers cut them into pieces and cut them into three parts.
Character introduction
Wang Xizhi (303-361, some say 321-379), named Yishao, was born in Langya Linyi (now Linyi, Shandong), and later moved to Kuaiji Mountain. Yin (now Shaoxing, Zhejiang), lived in seclusion in Jinting, Shan County in his later years. A calligrapher during the Eastern Jin Dynasty, he was known as the "Sage of Calligraphy". Together with his son Wang Xianzhi, they are called the "Two Kings".
His calligraphy is good at Li, Cao, Kai and Xing styles. He studies the styles carefully, imitates them with his heart and his hands. The wind is a style of its own and has far-reaching influence. The style is peaceful and natural, the writing style is euphemistic and subtle, and it is beautiful and healthy. His representative work "Lanting Preface" is known as "the best running script in the world".