Generally divided into two sections. It is common that there is only the next paragraph.
First, the previous paragraph. If the author is a junior, give it to the elder. Generally speaking, elders should not be called by their surnames, but should add modest words, such as: correct, correct, correct, correct, please enjoy, elegant, correct, correct pen and correct book. Such as: Mr. Lou Yu's reward, rule of virtue, pen.
Works written by peers are generally called so-and-so book friends, gentlemen, so-and-so friends, so-and-so classmates, so-and-so big brothers, so-and-so good brothers, so-and-so little sisters, so-and-so little brothers and so-and-so schoolmates.
You can also add modest words after the address, such as: remember, cherish, remember, keep, reward, entrust, command, elegance and so on. Such as: Xiaohua Book Club Huicun. Shu Ya, Yongming County
Second, the next paragraph.
The format is,
Time (usually not Gregorian calendar)+(location)+author+(respect) book
Such as: "B is not in the spring (the next Huan) in the ancient style hall XX to honor the book."
In traditional calligraphy, dates are marked by years, and months are marked by lunar calendar, not specific to a certain day.