Zhang Anshi's anecdote
Zhang Anshi works for Shangshu because he is good at calligraphy, loyal to his duties and never goes out on holidays. The emperor once lost three boxes of books when he was traveling in Hedong. When he asked, no one could know, only Zhang Anshi remembered the contents of those books and wrote them in detail. Later, a reward was offered to find those books for proofreading. The emperor thought his talent was different, so he was promoted to minister and transferred to Dr. Guanglu. Zhang Anshi is also an honest official. He once recommended a person to be an official, and later this person came to thank him. Zhang Anshi said that he broke up with him because he thought it was business and could not thank him in person. What's more, he made a lot of contributions, but he didn't get promoted. He went to ask Zhang Anshi to speak for him. Zhang Anshi said to him, "Your contribution is great, and the emperor knows it. As a courtier, how can you talk about your strengths and weaknesses? " Resolutely refuse him. Soon, Lang Guan was promoted. Zhang Anshi is very careful and thorough. Every time I discuss something important with the emperor, he always decides and then resigns. After hearing the imperial edict issued by the emperor, he pretended to be surprised and sent someone to the prime minister's office to ask. So even the court minister, no one knows that he participated in the decision-making of this matter. When Lu Xun was appointed in Ren Guang, Lang's drunkenness was easy to go to the temple, and the master reported it according to law. An Shi said, "How do you know it's not caused by anti-water slurry? How can you take a small crime! " Lang Guan raped an official and a servant. The servant's brother said it himself. Zhang Anshi said, "I am angry and slander the scholar-officials." Let the government blame the slaves.