Ganwu sent people to the state of Qi and crossed the river. The boatman said, "The river is between the ears. You can't cross the river alone. Can you speak for the king? " Ganwu said, "Otherwise, you don't know. There are advantages and disadvantages in everything, and they are willing to treat each other with sincerity, but the victims do not need soldiers; It is better for Xiao Li to catch mice in the palace, away from Wan Li. It's better to be a good general, famous all over the world, and a craftsman is not as good as an axe. Today, I am not as good as a child; It is said that the king of a thousand riders and the Lord of a thousand riders are not as good as Wu. "
From Liu Xiang's Shuo Yuan.
Go to Qi to cross a big river. The boatman said, "The river is too shallow for you to cross by yourself. How can you do something that makes the king of Qi happy? " ? "Wu said no, you don't know the truth. Everything has advantages and disadvantages; Do things honestly, carefully, and defeat the enemy without fighting; Good horses like Miracle and Yan Yan can walk thousands of miles a day, but it's worse to leave them at home to catch mice than kittens. Such a sharp sword is not as good as an axe used by craftsmen to cut wood, but I am not as good as you, rocking a boat in the river, lobbying monarchs and kings as you are, and you are not as good as me.
Zhao said that Han Xianzi was here and thought it was Sima. In the Battle of Hequ, Zhao Meng made people drive, sacrificed their children and killed them. The salty people said, "Han Jue will go. Its owner got up and hit it, and its car was smashed. Who is safe! " Zi Xuan summoned him and saluted him and said, "I heard that those who serve the monarch are better than those who do not belong to the party." Fu Zhou is more upright than others; Personally, the party is also. It is just for a husband to commit a crime without hiding it. I say women are king, but I'm afraid women can't. If you can't do it, the party is big! How can I go into politics if I am in charge of the party? So, I look at women. Women encourage it. If you follow the line, who are the people of Jin State? "They all told the doctor," Ersanzi can congratulate me! I also succeeded in raising the title, but I know I am free from sin now. "
Zixuan Zhao recommended Han Xianzi to Jin Linggong and appointed him Sima. During the Hequ War, Zhao's men used his chariot to interfere with the ranks of the army. Han Xianzi arrested the driver and killed him. Everyone said, "Han Jue will not have a good result." His master just got promoted in the morning and killed his coachman in the evening. Who can keep him in this official position? " Zhao summoned Han Jue and treated him with courtesy, saying, "I heard that people who serve the monarch are bound by righteousness, not forming a party for personal interests." Out of loyalty and faith, we recommend upright people for our country, which is based on righteousness. Recommend talents for personal gain, which is cronyism. Military law cannot be violated, and it is just right to violate military law without shielding it. I recommend you to the monarch for fear that you are not qualified. The recommender is incompetent. What could be more serious! Why do I serve the monarch and run the country for my own benefit? So I'm here to observe you. You work hard. If you insist on doing this, who else will be in charge of the state of Jin in the future except you? " Zixuan Zhao repeatedly told the doctors, "you can congratulate me! It is very appropriate for me to recommend Han Jue. Now I know that I can not commit the crime of cronyism. "
Good books do not choose soldiers, and good books do not choose pens.
A general who is good at commanding the army can win the battle without choosing soldiers; Anyone who is good at calligraphy can write freely without choosing a pen.