However, in the third year of volt-ampere, he died at the age of 23. He tried his best to persuade the queen mother to take in the first emperor, and said that Wang Youfu lived a long life and was filial, which was different from other kings. Therefore, Xu Huixin at the age of 19 was made emperor, that is, Song Huizong.
Song Huizong has been controversial all his life and has always been regarded as a decadent, groggy and incompetent monarch. During his twenty-five years in Song Huizong, the adulterer was in power and the country declined, so that he was defeated, captured and died in five countries.
However, Song Huizong's artistic achievements are undeniable. Song Huizong is not only proficient in calligraphy and painting, but also in poetry, and his artistic achievements are far greater than his political achievements.
To be fair, Song Huizong is not a fatuous person. In the early days of his succession, he made great efforts to rectify and win over bureaucrats in an effort to make the country strong.
When Song Huizong ascended the throne, the Northern Song Dynasty had turned from prosperity to decline. At that time, the party struggle was extremely fierce, and political reformers and conservatives were in the same boat. After Song Shenzong's death, conservatives came to power, Sima Guang came to power, and all new laws were abolished. History shows that Yuan You has even changed. After Song Zhezong came to power, he was declared a saint, and the reformists returned to power. When one faction comes to power, the other faction is bound to be suppressed. Those who neglect their duties are killed, which seriously affects the normal operation of the state machine.
Shortly after Song Huizong ascended the throne, he issued a series of imperial edicts, which were later changed to. Jianzhong tried to eliminate the struggle between cronies and bring the country back to the normal development track. However, in the early days of Song Huizong and Xu Huixin's rule, there was a scene of peaceful rule of the world in the Northern Song Dynasty, which was called: during the American rule, the first emperor was modest and eager to live in China, and ruled for several years to celebrate.
However, factional disputes are deeply rooted and cannot be eliminated. With Cai Jing and others coming to power, under the reform; Only with new signs of peace, the political structure of the Northern Song Dynasty has undergone tremendous changes, and the national situation has gradually declined. At this time, Song Huizong and Xu Huixin had lost their ambitions in the early days of their administration, but indulged in the illusory realm and artistic world of Taoism.
What is also criticized is that they tried to unite with gold to destroy Liao, but in the end they were turned into prisoners below the rank of American soldiers.
For example, if Hui Zong was not beaten in the Song Dynasty, he won T and Zhang Jue. Although gold is strong, why bother cutting the Song Dynasty?
In fact, since Shi Jingtang ceded sixteen states to Liao, the Central Plains Dynasty has been trying to recover this lost land, but it is difficult to recover it after all.
There is nothing wrong with Song Huizong. He wanted to avenge his death by borrowing money to destroy Liao. Even if Song Huizong didn't unite to destroy Liao, the war between Xu Jin and Song was inevitable. However, the long-term poverty and weakness in the Northern Song Dynasty, coupled with the corruption in the later period of Song Huizong and Xu Huixin's rule, eventually accelerated the demise of the Northern Song Dynasty.
Although Song Huizong and Xu Huixin were controversial and criticized in their political rule, they made great achievements in their artistic achievements.
Song Huizong is good at calligraphy. He learned his printed letters from Xue Yao #0.