Ask again: "How many times are the benefits of selling jewelry?" Father's Day is "a hundred times." He also asked, "If you help one person to be king and master mountains and rivers, you will benefit many times." Father smiled and said, "There is a king. It's easy to stand and talk, and the benefits are countless."
So, Lv Buwei first paid off strangers with one hundred dollars to get to know them; I also took my daughter to the west as a stranger, saying that the prince and his wife treated strangers as sons; Give his concubines to foreigners as wives. In less than 65,438+00 years, Lv Buwei's investment began to make a profit, and the aliens acceded to the throne. Lv Buwei was sealed as a prime minister, with 65,438+10,000 food cities and 10,000 children, and the ruling and opposition parties were in power and extremely rich.
Prince Ying Zheng succeeded to the throne as king, respected Lv Buwei as prime minister, and called him "Guan Zhong". The King of Qin is still young, and the Empress Dowager often has an affair with Lv Buwei. The Lv Buwei family has 10,000 slaves.
There are as many as 3000 restaurants in Lv Buwei. Lv Buwei ordered his diners to write down what they saw and heard, and summarized them into eight views, six theories and twelve dynasties, with a total of more than 200,000 words. I think it contains the facts of the universe through the ages, so it is called Lv Chunqiu. It will be announced in Xianyang city, with a reward of $1,000 hanging on it, inviting tourists from all over the world. Anyone who can add or delete a word will be rewarded with 1000 yuan.
When Qin Shihuang grew up, he was exiled to Luoyang. Then people from the six eastern countries lobbied him to leave the state of Qin, and he was exiled to Bashu by the king of Qin. He committed suicide.
Since Qin Shihuang's mother used to be a singer of Lu, then Qin Shihuang may be Lu's son. This is a mystery.
Zhao Gao was originally a nobleman of Zhao, and later he became a eunuch, an official of Zhongche Mansion, and a part-time official of the Mansion. He was in charge of state affairs for more than 20 years. After Qin Shihuang's death, he conspired with Li Si to forge letters, forcing Fu Su, Qin Shihuang's eldest son, to commit suicide, and made Hu Hai emperor and became a doctor himself. During his tenure, he monopolized power, formed political parties for personal interests, levied heavier taxes and implemented stricter administration. In 207 BC, he designed and killed Li Si and became the prime minister of Qin State. The following year, he forced II to commit suicide and set up another son, Ying. He was quickly killed by Zi Ying, killing all three tribes.