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Lee Tae, the fourth son of Emperor Taizong in history.
Lee Tae, King Pugong, was praised. At the beginning, Yidu Wang was sealed. In March of four years, Wu De moved to Wang Wei and became pregnant with the queen. In the second year of Zhenguan, he moved to Yue Wang and served as the governor of Yangzhou. Then move to Yongzhou Wood and Zuo Wu to wait for the general. Change the seal to Wang Wei. Emperor Taizong, because Lee Tae liked Confucianism and was good at writing articles, ordered a letter to set up a literary museum in Wang Fu, and he could recommend himself as a bachelor. Lee Tae was allowed to take Xiao Yu to court because he had a big waist and a big belly. Wang Fu Sima Su advised Lee Tae to learn from the ancient sages and invited guests to write books. The memorial was written by Xiao Deyan, Secretary Lang, Jiang Yaqing, Gong Cao and others. Wei Wei pays the bill, Guanglu provides food, and many literati have literary contacts with him, while aristocratic wanderers are more willing to climb the dragon and attach the phoenix, and at that time it is crowded. Li Tai is too slow, but he wants to make great achievements. By state, cataloging, one * * * is 550 articles, lasting for four periods. The emperor was very happy, so he sent someone to the secret pavilion and gave him 10 thousand pieces of brocade. Later, the emperor went to Yankangfang Mansion in Lee Tae to pardon the capital punishment of Chang 'an, and also exempted the people of Fangfang from one year's land rent, and gave them all kinds of cloth. As Lee Tae's monthly expenditure is more than that of the Crown Prince, the admonition doctor Chu Suiliang said, "The sage is humble, so he is called Chu Jun, so he can't use things, so he can't be compared with the illegitimate child, so his cuteness is hard to blame. The former king's legal system was based on the feelings of all human beings. Those who know this country must have their own offices. Although the bastard likes it very much, he can't have his own office. If you are a relative, you are humble, then you will harm the public and mess up the country. Today, Wang Wei reported that he visited the East Palace, but the discussants thought it was wrong. Yesterday, Dou Taihou loved Liu Wu, King of Liang, and sealed more than forty cities. The king who ruled the palace for 300 miles spent a lot of money to rebuild it. When a policeman was dissatisfied, he fell ill and died. Xuan Di is also very arrogant to King Huaiyang. As for the failure, he was forgiven by the minister who gave in. Today, Wang Wei is newly married, so it's a sign of frugality. You can get older the next month. It is also appropriate to choose a master, teach with modesty and thrift, and become a virtue with literature. This so-called sage teaching can be unrestrained. " The emperor also ordered Lee Tae to live in Wude Hall, and his assistant Wei Zhi also said, "Wang Liwei, as your beloved son, should not be put in a suspicious place if he wants to be safe. Today, the Wude Hall is located in the west of the East Palace. In the past, the place where King Hailing lived was so big that everyone who spoke about it thought it was impossible. Although times are different from things, there are many people talking, which is still very awesome. In addition, the king's heart is full of enthusiasm, and he is willing to give it up. For the king, pet is the beauty of fear. " Emperor Taizong realized that he no longer let Lee Tae live in the Wude Hall. At that time, Prince Li Chenggan was ill, and Lee Tae used his stratagem to slander the Prince in an attempt to seize the throne. Therefore, with Xu surnamed Chai Lingwu and Fang as confidants, Wei Ting, Du Chuke and others were allowed to manage palace affairs one after another. These people helped Lee Tae unite courtiers and become cronies, thus forming the Wang Wei Group in North Korea. Li Chenggan was afraid, and secretly sent someone who claimed to be the imam of Li Tai Wang Mi to play a book on the Xuanwu Gate. When the emperor saw this book, he said many sins of Lee Tae. Emperor Taizong was furious and immediately ordered the writer to investigate the matter carefully, but found nothing. When Prince Li Chenggan failed, the emperor privately promised to make Lee Tae Prince. Courtiers Cen Wenben and Liu Yue also asked the emperor to make Lee Tae a prince. Sun Chang Wuji insisted on establishing Wang Jin, the half-brother of Li Zhi, Wang Wei and Lee Tae. Li Shimin, Emperor Taizong, wanted to listen to Sun Chang's infinite advice, because the stone carvings in Taiyuan said that he could "govern all blessings". After hearing the news, Lee Tae said to his younger brother Li Zhi, King of Jin, "Is it common to have a good job?" King Jin was very worried. When the emperor saw that Li Zhi was worried, he asked him. Li Zhi told his father what his brother Lee Tae said. The emperor suddenly realized. Just when Li Chenggan was summoned, the emperor condemned him. Li Chenggan said, "My son is a prince. What more can you ask for? My brother Lee Tae forced me. Because I was afraid of being murdered by Li Taihou, I plotted a self-protection plan with the courtiers. Although I did such a thing, I committed a great crime of conspiracy. If Lee Tae is made a prince, his father must have fallen into his trap. " The emperor said, "That's right. If Lee Tae is established, the prince's position can be obtained by deception. If Li Taihou really wants to be made a prince, Li Chenggan and Li Zhi will not live; If Li Zhi is established, Lee Tae and Li Chenggan will be fine. " Therefore, the emperor appointed the director in particular, and removed the shepherd, the governor of Xiangzhou and the general Hou, and was reduced to the king of Donglai County. He also wrote a letter: "From now on, if the prince is ignorant, if the king waits and sees, both of them will give up and order." But the emperor still said to Sun Chang Wuji, "The public advised me to establish pheasant slave, and pheasant slave was timid and had to worry about society. What can I do? " Pheasant slave is the nickname of Emperor Gaozong Li Zhi. In the seventeenth year of Zhenguan, Lee Tae was renamed the King of Yangshun County and lived in Zhou Junyun Township. The emperor once took Lee Tae's badge and said to the people around him, "Lee Tae's handwriting is gratifying. Isn't he a scholar?" I have always liked him in my heart, but for the sake of the country of the Tang Dynasty, sending him away can make the country worry and be a brother. "In November of the twenty-first year of Zhenguan, he was named King Pu. Emperor Li Zhi acceded to the throne, the imperial edict Lee Tae can start a family, car and clothing diet special preferential treatment. Finally, in 652 AD, 35-year-old Lee Tae died in Yunxiang. After his death, Emperor Gaozong named him Qiu and made him a priest.
Lee Tae family cemetery
Lee Tae Family Cemetery is located in the east of Yunxian County 1 km west bank of Bangqu River. It was called Mashan in the Tang Dynasty, and locals usually called it Wang Dali's Tomb and Wang Xiaoli's Tomb. Judging from the four Li Tang royal tombs that have been excavated, their owners are Lee Tae, Yan Wan, Xin Li and Li Hui. It has high scientific research value.
Lee Tae, the tomb of Lee Tae, is the third son of Li Shimin of Emperor Taizong. Wang Wei was born in the second year of Wude (6 19). In the third year of Wude (620), he was named King Yidu. In the seventeenth year of Zhenguan (643), he was demoted for competing with the Crown Prince for the right of succession to the throne, and later renamed the King of Yangshun County, and moved to Yun Xiang County, Zhou Jun. In the twenty-first year of Zhenguan (647), he entered Wang Pu. Yonghui died in Yun Xiang County in 652 at the age of 33.
Lee Tae's tomb is a brick tomb, which consists of a pyramid-shaped mound, a niche in a tunnel and a tomb. 1975 In March, Hubei Provincial Museum, together with cultural relics cadres in Yunyang District and counties, jointly excavated Lee Tae's tomb. During the excavation, it was found that the tomb had been stolen, and 442 pieces of various cultural relics were unearthed in this excavation. Among them, there are 99 pieces of pottery, 9 pieces of porcelain, 0/3 pieces of silverware 12 1 piece (weighing 3 102.35g), 9 pieces of glassware, 7 pieces of stone tools, 2 pieces of iron ware, 2 pieces of pearls, 2 pieces of crystal beads and bronze ware/kloc. The county museum has 225 collections. The provincial museum has 2 17 pieces. Among them, there are 42 pieces of pottery, 3 pieces of porcelain, 8 pieces of bronze1silver1gold 12 1 piece. Cultural relics with high scientific research value and exhibition value include pottery figurines, ritual figurines, band figurines, golden lions, epitaphs and so on.
Yan Wan's Tomb Yan Wan, a native of Henan, has been in Zhenguan for six years (632) 1 1 years, and should be chosen as a princess. He died in Shaozhou on September 8th in fiscal year (690) at the age of 69, and was buried in Lee Tae's tomb in the north corner of Mashan Mountain on June 2nd in the 12th year of Kaiyuan (724).
The tomb is a brick house with a long slope, which consists of a tomb, a cave, a patio, a tunnel and a tomb. 34 cultural relics were unearthed, including 2 ceramics. The balance is silver, copper and iron. Silver pillows, bronze ornaments, bi paintings and epitaphs provide a basis for studying the politics and culture of the Tang Dynasty.
Xin Li's tomb, Xin Li, whose real name is Job, is the eldest son of King Pugong, and he was awarded the title of country. Married Princess Zhou of Linchuan, sentenced to cruel prison and demoted Zhaozhou. He was killed while taking his mother Yan to a remote place, and his wife Zhou was buried in a coffin in Longmen, Luoyang. In the 12th year of Jian 'an (724), his son Li Qiao was buried in Mashan, Yunxiang County.
The tomb consists of a pyramid-shaped mound, a hole, a patio, a tunnel and a tomb. This tomb was stolen twice, and there was more water in the tomb, and less cultural relics were unearthed, mainly including small copper stirrups, gold-plated small stirrups, copper decorative flowers, stone decorative plates, white pearls and gold-plated Kaiyuan copper coins. Epitaphs and murals are mainly of scientific research value.
Li Hui's tomb, Li Hui, is the second son of Xu Anqi and Lee Tae. Born in the 10th year of Zhenguan (636), he was the founder of Yangshun County in the 21st year of Zhenguan (647) and the king of Xin 'an County in the 4th year of Yonghui (653). Hongdao died in Yunxiang County on September 23rd in 683, aged 40, and was buried in Mashan in 684.
The tomb is a brick tomb, which consists of three parts: the tomb, the tunnel and the tomb. There are 82 unearthed cultural relics, mainly ceramics, followed by bronzes and ironware, and a small amount of gold, silver, bones and mussels. Precious cultural relics include tricolor bibcock cups, tricolor vases, tricolor bowls, tricolor horn cups, porcelain inkstones, stone smoke, silver spoons, iron axes, pottery retort, epitaphs and murals.