1 :un,une
2. Dance in pairs
3 :trois
4: 4
5 :cinq
Six point six.
September 7(th)
8 :huit
9 :neuf
10: Dix
1 1 :onze
12: Dou Ze
13: Treize
14 :quatorze
15: five
16: Hold on
17: Dix-September
18: Dix-Whit
19: Dix-Neuf
20 :vingt
2 1 :vingt et un(une)
22 :vingt-deux
23: Wengert-Tesan
24 :vingt-quatre
25 :vingt-cinq
26:vingt- Six
September 27(th)
28: Wengert Hewitt
29: Wengert-Neuf
30: Trent
40: Quarante
50: Sinquant
60 :soixante
70 :soixante-dix
80: Four Seasons Wine
90: Quart-Wingate-Dix
100: cents
Note: Numbers between 30 and 40 can refer to the writing of 20, and so on. The numbers after 100 are all similar expressions.
In French numerals 1., except onze( 1 1), soixante-onze(7 1) and quatre-vingt-onze(9 1), there is no sexual change, and the rest are "/. If it is negative, use "une", for example:?
Trente et one cartes 3 1 card
2. The matching method of 2.Cent is the same as that of vingt(20) in principle, and the plural "s" should be added, but if there are other numbers, it is unnecessary to add "s". For example:?
500 cents. SGD 950 cents?
Cent un (une)( 10 1), two cents (200)?
Mille is a constant word, and there is no need to add "s" under any circumstances.
4. In French, 1 100 to 1900 can be expressed as "mille cents" or "onzecenters" (1100,1600.
In addition, quatre-vingts (80) Generally speaking, an s should be added at the end of the word, but if there are numbers behind it, it should not be added, such as?
Quatre-vingts filles(80 girls)?
Four girls (83 girls)
5. French telephone number pronunciation: 70 is 60+ 10(Soixante-dix), 7 1 is 60+1... and so on, 79 is 60+ 10+9. And 80 is 4x20(Quatre-vingts). At 99, three operations are required: 4x20+10+9 (quatre-vingts-dixneuv). ?
The French don't read the phone numbers one by one as we are used to. For example, 6 17 18098 is not pronounced by the French as 6- 1-7- 1-8-0-9-8, but is pronounced as 61-71-80. If the Frenchman tells you his telephone number, you can listen carefully: 60+ 1, 60+ 1 1, 4x20, 4x20+ 10+8. Listen to the French phone number, you just remembered a 4, and then suddenly a 20 appeared. You have to quickly paint 4 and change it to 80.