My happiness is back!
Z-Library’s latest address
singlelogin.me Recently, the Zibrary website has been accessible again normally, and you can directly open the official website. Log in using the account you registered previously.
ZGbrary mirror website
1lib.cf/ zlibrary.ga/
Free e-books Website
Except this website. There are also some good TUAO e-book websites. I will share them with you here. You can save them in case you need to read them from time to time!
YiBook Search
A search tool for aggregated book editing sources
Sanqiu Bookstore
A high-quality e-book download website. It has quite a wealth of e-book resources, including novels and literature, best-selling books, collections, etc.
A free and open online ancient compilation download website, dedicated to open sharing, introduction, and recommendation of value There are many collections of ancient rare books that you can check out, including picture albums, book calligraphy, past images, etc.
A domestic high-quality e-book download website, which provides Jiao Xue novels, historical biographies, Mi Jiao social sciences, E-books of inspirational success, education and learning, comics and picture books, etc.