It was December of the third year of Qiheqing, that is, the fifth year of Chen Tianjia and the fourth year of Zhou Baoding. It had been snowing heavily for days and thousands of mountains were white. Qi Lord Zhan braved the snow and marched forward to Jinyang. Fortunately, there were no invaders outside the city and he entered the city safely. Sikong Hu Luguang was ordered to lead 30,000 people on foot and cavalry to garrison Pingyang and defend the southern road. Zhou Zhuguo, Yang Zhong and the Turkic Khan, all led their troops to approach the city. Qi Lord Zhan climbed up to the city and looked in the distance. He saw the enemy soldiers arriving one after another, as if there was an incoming tide with no end. He suddenly frowned and said: "Such a big bandit?" , how to resist!? After saying this, he went down to the city and planned to lead the palace people to the east. Wang Rui of Zhaojun and Xiaowan of Hejian knocked on their horses to stop him, and then they stopped. Xiaowan also asked the six armies to advance and stop, and Gui Ruijiedu was appointed. Zhan ordered Rui to control the armies, and appointed Duan Shao, the governor of Bingzhou, to be in charge of military affairs.
On the first day of the first lunar month, some of Rui's troops went out of the city to fight, and the army was very prosperous. The Turkic Wooden Khan Khan looked at the enemy from a high position with a rather frightened look on his face. He said to the people of Zhou: "You are talking about chaos, so we joined forces to attack Qi. Now the people of Qi also have iron in their eyes. How can we underestimate the enemy! It can be seen that the people of Zhou are good at telling lies." . When the Zhou people heard what Muzhan said, they were of course dissatisfied. They used the infantry as the vanguard and challenged Qi. The generals of Qi wanted to attack, but Duan Shao refused. He told the generals: "The strength of the infantry is limited. The snow is now thick and it is inconvenient to counterattack." , it is better to wait in a tight formation and wait for the other side to take care of themselves before going out to fight. ? After saying that, he immediately ordered the army to say: ? The public must listen to my orders and not act rashly! Only when the Chinese army raises the flag and beats the drums can we attack. If you disobey the order, you will be killed immediately! ? Shaopo knows his troops. All armies began to stand quietly in formation without any noise. The Zhou army was unable to engage in battle, and gradually relaxed. Suddenly, they saw the Qi soldiers in the formation, with red flags raised high, and the sound of war drums one after another, which shocked their ears.
Just as the emperor was looking around, the Qi soldiers were already attacking with all their strength, shouting for killing. Seeing that they could not resist the enemy, they retreated one after another. Yang Zhong couldn't stop him, but he hoped that the Turkic soldiers would come forward to help in the battle, so that they could kill the Qi soldiers back. However, the Turkic Mugan Khan Lema Xishan did not ride down, but instead led his troops up together, focusing on his own protection. , no matter whether the Zhou army advances or retreats. The Zhou army was alone and lost support. It was immediately defeated and rushed back to Guanzhong. Mugan Khan also escaped from behind the mountain, but Duan Shao was always cautious and did not dare to pursue him. It seemed that he was too timid. For more than 700 miles northwest of Jinyang, all areas were plundered by Turkic soldiers, leaving no trace of humans or animals. When the wooden poles returned to Xingling Mountains, the valley was frozen and slippery, and the soldiers were spread out on felts. The horses were cold and thin, and the hair below their knees had fallen off. By the time they reached the Great Wall, the horses were dead and dying, and many soldiers had cut off their branches and carried them back. Zhou general Da Xiwu arrived at Pingyang, but he didn't know that Yang Zhong was defeated yet. He received a letter from Qi general Hu Luguang, with a sarcastic tone. Knowing that Yang Zhong had failed, he led him back on the same day. He was chased by Qi soldiers halfway, and they fought and fled. It was not easy to escape, but more than 2,000 people were lost.
Hu Luguang withdrew his troops and returned to Jinyang. When Qi Lord Zhan saw Hu Luguang, he held his head and cried loudly. I don't know why, and I can't give advice in a hurry. I don't understand either. Wang Rui of Rencheng was by the side, so he said: "I want your majesty to conquer the big bandits. I am so happy that I feel sad, but why come here!" Zhan stopped crying, awarded the meritorious service, and entered Zhaojun Wang Rui to record the affairs of the minister. Hu Luguang served as Situ. Hearing that Duan Shao did not attack the Turks, but stalked him from afar, as if sending him out of the fortress, Xiang Shao sneered and said, "Duan Xiao, please change your name to Duan Po, then you are worthy of seeing off a female guest." ?Xiaoxian is a symbol of Shao.
Before he finished speaking, an urgent report suddenly arrived in Ye. It was Wang Xun of Pengcheng, the Grand Master, who had been killed by thieves. Zhan was surprised and asked why. The Ye envoy said that it was because Yuncheng was in the middle of the army, and a group of thieves Bai Zili and others broke in and pretended to be the imperial envoy. Jie Xun was the master, but Xun shouted and refused, so he was killed immediately. Zhan was surprised and asked: "Have the thieves been captured and executed now?" The envoy from Ye said that they had been calmed down, but he hoped that your majesty would return. Zhan Nai set off in a hurry. When he returned to Yecheng, he was about to attend the funeral. He gave Yun a fake Huang Yue to record the minister's affairs, gave him a chariot to carry him to the funeral, and then returned to the palace. Duan Shao was appointed as Grand Master.
After a few months, a white rainbow surrounded the sun in Ye. When it circled again, the red star appeared again. Lord Zhan of Qi brought a basin of water to shine on the stars and covered them with them to serve as an abyss. The Yuesu basin broke by itself for no reason, and Zhan was very worried. Then Jia Dezhou, a native of Boling, presented it to a secret seal. In the seal, there was a century-old handwriting of King Leling, which contained several imperial edicts. Zhan couldn't help but get angry, and he sent an envoy to summon Bai Bai. Bai Bai knew that it was inevitable, so he cut off a strip of knot and said goodbye to his concubine Hulu. He saw Zhan when he entered Dou. Zhan sent envoy Bai Bai again to write the edict, and the handwriting was consistent with the previous words. He immediately became angry. He gets angry and beats him left and right. He had been beaten to the ground for hundreds of years, and was dragged and beaten by others. He was bleeding all over the ground. He was about to lose his breath, so he whimpered and begged for his life: "I would like to be my uncle's slave." ?Zhan refused to agree, so he ordered his body to be beheaded and thrown into the pond. When the water in the pond turned red, the corpse was taken out and buried in the back garden. When Concubine Hulu heard about the tragic death of a hundred years, she held the jue and howled, and she died without a single grain. The jue was still in her hand, and she could not open her fists. She was only fourteen years old.
The concubine is Hu Luguang's daughter. You Guang personally caressed it, untied it with her hands, and began to release her fists. People in Yezhong all complained for her. The boy also wrote a poem to prove his truth:
After the death of Jinan, Leling died, and I thought it was too shameful to think about it.
It is rare for a concubine to be fourteen years old, just like sacrificing her life to protect her wife!
Zhan, the leader of Qi, had been killed for hundreds of years, and there were rumors circulating in the palace. He searched for days and went to Shuncheng Palace, where he found letters from Yuanman in the palace, describing the unjust death for hundreds of years, but he didn't realize it. Become angry. After all, whether Yuanman can avoid disaster will be discussed next time.
Emperor Chen Wen’s killing of Marquis Andu is almost similar to Emperor Wen of Song Dynasty’s killing of Tan Daoji. However, Daoji’s merits were more and his crimes were less. The appropriateness of the killing is enough to show Song Wen’s fault. Although Andu’s merits were sufficient, he was too slow and illegal. , the crime is also a light crime, and the situation is to crowd Hengyang, harming the old prince, and making Emperor Chen Wen known as an unfriended person. He is cruel and cruel. What is the point of not dying? The outline calls killing but not execution, which seems to be a grievance for Andu. He claimed that Andu's death was actually his own fault. However, Master Chen lured him into a banquet and carried out the execution. However, he lost the Great Scripture of Reward and Punishment and Outline Calligraphy. Therefore, Chen Wen'er cannot be blamed! Master Zhan of Qi is mediocre. Fornication and cruelty, several kinds of high oceans, the battle of Jinyang was fortunate to win. However, the people Zhou Shi relies on are Turks, who are not of our race, so his mentality must be different, and it is appropriate for Zhou to be defeated. Fortunately, Zhan returned victorious, but he killed his brother and son for a hundred years, Jinan was slaughtered, and Leling was not alive. Zhan's disobedience to his brother's orders was unkind. He was filial and knowledgeable, so he also regretted killing Jinan!