What font does the ui designer need?

Fonts and ui interface design fonts in mobile phone software are as follows:

First of all, the default fonts in ios are divided into three categories:

The first category: sthiti-light. TTC (black body-simple black body-complex fine body) and Stiti-medium. TTC (bold-simple and bold-complex medium black) stands for Chinese fonts, and is often used for square bold simplification.

The second category: _H_Helvetica.ttc and _H_HelveticaNeue.ttc represent English and digital fonts respectively, and the commonly used fonts are Helvetica.

Category III: LockClock.ttf stands for screen lock time font.

Second, in Android, the English font uses Roboto, and the Chinese font uses Noto (Siyuan Bold).

In the previous design, Microsoft Yahei was mainly used for Chinese fonts, but Microsoft Yahei was a bit cumbersome and bloated in the interface. Google and Adobe jointly released Siyuan Bold as the default Chinese font for Android. The new "Siyuan Bold" is not only easier to read on the screen in font, but also has the weight of seven words, which fully meets the design requirements.

Third, the font commonly used in ui interface design is Microsoft Yahei.

Others can refer to some ui interface design specifications, which contain some very strict data specifications such as format, font, size and color.

Want to know more fonts of mobile phone software, recommend Pixso collaborative design. Pixso can be designed by multi-person cloud collaboration and synchronize font size, border, color and other details in real time. Pixso is not only a one-stop product design collaboration tool, but also a professional UI/UX design tool. With more advanced functions such as vector grid, Boolean operation, style creation and intelligent typesetting, designers can really focus on the creation itself.