In Zhengmu Town, Qingzhou City, there is a village called Tang Fang Village. One third of the people in the village are surnamed Xi, and there are about two or three hundred people. This village has a long history and has maintained many ancient customs of the Xi family. The person in charge of the village is the highest-ranking and most respected person in the family, presiding over family festivals and sacrifices, cemetery site selection and other major affairs, and even enjoying the privilege of deploying villagers in some special circumstances.
At the same time, Xi Shi, whose real name was Shi Yiguang, was a beautiful woman of Yue State in the Spring and Autumn Period, commonly known as Shi. Later generations addressed her as Xi Zi. She was born in Wuluo Village, Yue State at the end of the Spring and Autumn Period, and has been dancing with her mother since childhood, so she is also called a "dancer". She was born beautiful and charming, and is the embodiment and synonym of beauty.
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It is said that Shi was the champion of Vietnam beauty pageant that year. On the way to Beijing, pedestrians rushed to watch, causing traffic jams and difficulties. The prime minister who escorted the stone saw this grand occasion and had a plan. He simply asked Shi to live in a gorgeous building in a roadside hotel, and then posted a list everywhere: people who want to see beautiful women pay 1 text.
The notice was posted and caused a sensation everywhere. Stone climbed up the Zhu Lou and stood on the railing, floating like a fairy. The audience lined up in a long line, giving generously, just to see the elegant demeanor of the stone, and some even paid two or three times the money, which was really a never-ending experience.
In the past three days, Fan has received countless money. After entering Beijing, he turned over all his money to the state treasury. Therefore, because of their admirable intelligence and morality, the two became friends of life and death. Fan Li's move really set a precedent for the "beauty economy" of later generations.
Baidu encyclopedia-western surnames
Baidu encyclopedia -Xi history