What kind of person is suitable for learning calligraphy?

Confucius said, "Wise people enjoy water, while benevolent people enjoy Leshan. Wise people move, benevolent people are quiet. Wise people are happy, and benevolent people live. " In other words, benevolent people are like mountains, taking their time and not being shaken by foreign things. He treats people with love, loves things, opens his arms to everything like a mountain, stands tall, looks far, is tolerant and kind, does not serve, does not hurt things, does not worry or fear, so he can last forever.

Mountain, with calm personality and lofty aspirations, has its characteristics of high, deep, wide and big. He is persistent and upright, honest and simple in style. Rise from the ground, look straight at the sky and write the style of turquoise. Over the years, through Cang Sang, you have gained silent humility and honed your tenacity and pride. He doesn't care about slander, doesn't like fame, doesn't get angry when he is insulted, and never gets cocky, condescending and arrogant. He looks at the clouds and clouds every day, and enjoys the flowers every year. His height is not high, and his body thickness is not heavy. At every major event, he is calm and let the wind and waves make him fearless and motionless.