The calligrapher's story is very short.

On one occasion, Wang Xizhi went to Beijing on business and wrote a few words on the wall at home when he left. Wang Xianzhi is also good at writing. He secretly erased his father's inscription and wrote his own. After Wang Xianzhi finished writing, he studied it carefully and thought it was well written, which could confuse the authenticity. When Wang Xizhi came home, he saw the words on the wall and thought they were his original words. He was very dissatisfied and said with a sigh, I was really drunk when I left home. Wang Xianzhi felt very ashamed after hearing this. From then on, he practiced calligraphy more seriously and assiduously, and became as famous a calligrapher as his father. Assistant Minister Walker: During the Kaiyuan period of the Tang Dynasty, there was a man named Xu, who was afraid of being an official and fled to the mountains. Can't talk because of illness. A few years later, a Buddhist temple should choose someone who is good at calligraphy.