Green is taken from blue, and green is blue; Ice, water is for it, but it is colder than water. Wood is straight in the rope and is considered as a wheel. Although there is a storm, it is natural to let it stand up. So when tying the rope, the wood is straight and the gold is sharp. A gentleman who is knowledgeable and cares about himself knows that he has done nothing wrong. Therefore, he doesn't know whether the sky is high or not, and he doesn't know how thick the ground is. If you don't know the last words of the late king, you won't know the greatness of learning. The sons of Gan, Yue, Yi and Gou are born with the same voice, long and different customs, and naturally teach them. The poem says, "You are a gentleman, and you have no fixed rest. You are good at being a man. If you listen to God, you will be blessed. "
I have been thinking all day, so I might as well finish what I have learned in an instant. I savor and look forward to it. It's better to climb higher and learn. Climbing up to recruit soldiers, the arms are not lengthened, but the people you see are far away; Breathe with the wind, the sound does not add disease, and the smell is obvious. False horses are not good enough, but lead thousands of miles; People on fake boats can't swim, but they can't swim. A gentleman's life is the same, and he is good at false things.
There is a bird in the south, named Meng dove, whose nest is feathers, whose fabric is wool and whose tie is reeds. The wind will break and its eggs will die in broken child. The nest is endless, and the people who make it are natural. There is a kind of wood in the west called Shegan. Its stem is four inches long and grows on a high mountain, but the wooden stem can't grow for a hundred miles. White sand is nirvana, and it is black. Lan Huai's root is doing it, gradually making the gentleman not close and dissatisfied. Its quality is not beautiful, but what he gradually made is also natural. Therefore, a gentleman must choose his hometown and take scholars as tourists, so he should also guard against evil and be close to Zhong Zheng.
Everything has a beginning and an end. When honor or disgrace comes, it will be like virtue. Meat rots, insects grow, fish wither and insects grow. Neglect and forgetting will lead to disaster. Stand still, if you are soft, stand still. Evil in the body is caused by resentment. Wages are the same, the fire is dry, the ground is the same, and the water is wet. Plants will grow and animals will be crowded. Lin, and the axe is heavy; The shadows of the trees are dancing, and the birds are sad, but they get together. Therefore, with bring disgrace to oneself's words and bring disgrace to oneself's behavior, a gentleman should be careful what he represents!
Accumulated soil becomes mountains, and the wind and rain are prosperous; The water drops merged into the ocean and the dragon was born; Accumulate goodness into virtue, the gods are complacent, and the sacred heart is prepared. Therefore, you can't take Wan Li Road without accumulating steps; You can't become a river without a small stream. Ma Xu, ten drivers, never give up. Persevere and never break a dead wood; Perseverance, the stone can be carved. Earthworms do not have the advantages of minions, and their bones and muscles are strong. They are bent on eating the earth and drinking the yellow land. The crab kneels six times and pinches twice. Those who are neither snakes nor eels have nothing to trust and are impatient. Therefore, those who have ulterior motives have no bright future. People who have nothing to do cannot work hard. People who have nothing to do with roads are not allowed to work for two kings. He can't see with two eyes and hear with two ears. Snakes have no feet to fly, but mice have no skills.
"Poetry" said: "The corpse dove is in Sang, and her son is seven. A gentleman is a scholar, and his appearance is one. His appearance is one and his heart is like a knot! " Therefore, the gentleman is one.
I used to play drums, but the fish flowed out to listen; Boya plays the piano, but six horses play it. Therefore, the sound is not small but not heard, and the line is not hidden but not shaped. Jade is moist on the mountains, pearls are born in the depths, and the cliffs are not withered. Do not accumulate evil for good? Did anyone not hear?
Learn evil from scratch? Evil in the end? Yue: its number begins with chanting and ends with reading ceremony; Its significance begins with being a scholar and ends with being a saint. If you really accumulate strength for a long time, you will enter, and if you learn, you will stop. Therefore, once you have learned math, you can't give up for a moment. For it, people will; Give up, so do animals. Therefore, people who write books are also subjects of political affairs; Poet, the stop of the middle voice; Etiquette, the greatness of law, class discipline. Therefore, learning ends with ceremony. Husbands are called moral extremes. Respect for ceremony, harmony, abundance of poetry and books, and spring and autumn are insignificant. The learning of a gentleman is also in the ear, in the heart, in the four bodies, and in the dynamic shape. Generally speaking, it is still relatively quiet. Ancient scholars were themselves, and today's scholars are people. The study of a gentleman is also beautiful, and the study of a villain thinks that birds are calves. Therefore, if you don't ask, you will be honored. If you ask, you will be sued. Pride, no, no, no; A gentleman is like a man.
The study of a gentleman also stresses the ear, the heart and the four bodies, and the form stresses the movement. Finally, the law can be moved. The knowledge of villains is also about ears, not mouth; Between the mouth and ears, four inches, seven feet of beauty! Ancient scholars were themselves, and today's scholars are people. The study of villains also thinks that birds are calves. So asking without asking is pride, and asking without asking is embarrassment. Pride, no, no; A gentleman is like a man.
Learning ink is to get close to people. Learning ink means getting close to people, so poetry and books are irrelevant and spring and autumn are not fast. Learning from gentlemen is respected all over the world. Therefore, learning ink is to get close to this person.
Learning the classics is not as good as getting a sage, and courtesy is second. You can't get good people in the world, and you can't get good gifts in the next. Ante can learn miscellaneous knowledge, poetry and books. If you are poor in the last years, you must be a poor Confucian. If the original monarch is a benevolent person, the ceremony is correct in its latitude and longitude. Take it with five fingers and have countless followers. If you are not polite, even if you are arguing, you will be scattered.
If you ask, don't sue; Don't ask if you told anyone; Don't listen to those people. Don't argue with people who live up to expectations. Therefore, they must learn from it and then use it. If it's not its way, avoid it. Therefore, it is courtesy and respect, and then you can talk to the party who is consistent with your words and deeds; Words are fluent, and then words and deeds can be consistent and justified; Color can be achieved through words and deeds. Therefore, it is proud to be unable to speak in words; Can have nothing to say, that is hidden; Don't look at the face is called "shame". Therefore, a gentleman is not proud, does not hide, is not ashamed, just goes with the flow. The poem says: "bandits make friends with bandits, and the son of heaven gives them." This is also called "shame".
One shot in every shot is not good enough to shoot; A thousand miles is not enough, and good is not enough; Because of the differences in ethics, benevolence and righteousness, it is not enough to be good at learning. People who study well are also people who study well. When they go out, they will be confused There are fewer good people, more bad people, and stealing feet. All the people, and scholars.
A gentleman knows that his husband is not perfect and thinks he is beautiful, so he always recites a few words, thinks it over, treats others well and supports those who hurt him. He made his eyes stop looking, his mouth stop talking and his heart stop worrying. As for his good intentions, his eyes are colored, his ears are colored, his mouth is flavored, and his heart is beneficial to the world. be