When Wang Yangming was an official in Jiangxi, he went to a temple. He thinks the temple is very good, but a room is locked. He asked the monk, why is your room locked? The monk said that there was once an old monk who closed his door and died in it, and ordered him to lock it and not to open it. Hearing this, Wang Yangming has a problem! He thinks there's something strange in this temple asking for light! The monk said, never open it. Two or three generations of our ancestors told us not to open this room. The more you listen to Wang Yangming's personality, the more strange it becomes. You must open it. Open it now! He gave a dignified order, but the monk had no choice but to open it. When I opened it, I saw a skeleton sitting there. There is a note on the desk in front of me, which reads: "Fifty years ago in Wang Shouren, opening the door meant closing the door". Oh, so he is me! My predecessor is nirvana here. When I predict my reincarnation, I will open this door.
Su Dongpo's past lives
Su Shi, whose real name is Zi Zhan, is a Dongpo layman. Now many people only know him as a great writer and painter in the Northern Song Dynasty. He used to be a bachelor of Hanlin and an official of the Ministry of Rites, but he didn't know that he was a monk in his previous life. In fact, he himself mentioned his previous life many times in his poems, such as "I am a yogi and have been diligent for three generations." I lost my mind in the middle and was condemned by this for a hundred years. "(Nanhua Temple)" I have been to Hangzhou in my last life, just like visiting the director. " ("See Zhang Ziye and send three quatrains" Old Tour ")
In April of the seventh year of Yuanfeng, before Su Shi arrived in Yunzhou, monk Yunan dreamed that he would go out of the city with Su Zhe and Cong monks of Shengshou Temple to meet the five precepts monk. He felt very strange when he woke up, so he told Su Zhe the dream. Before Su Zhe could speak, Monk Cong came. Su Zhe said to him, "I talked to Yun An just now. Do you want to talk about dreams together? Monk Cong said, "Last night, I dreamed that the three of us went to see the five precepts monk together." . "Su Zhe clapped his hands and smiled." It's strange that three people in the world really dream of the same thing! "
Soon, Su Dongpo's letter arrived, saying that he has arrived in Fengxin now and will be able to meet you soon. The three men were very happy and trotted to the Jianshan Temple in Su Dongpo, 20 miles outside the city. When Su Dongpo arrived, everyone told him that three people had the same dream. Su Dongpo mused: "When I was eight or nine years old, I dreamed that I was a monk in my previous life, traveling back and forth between Shaanxi and Right. Also, when my mother was just pregnant, she dreamed that a monk came to live. The monk was beautiful and blind in one eye. " Yun An exclaimed, "The Five Commandments monk is right-handed in Shaanxi. He is blind in one eye. In his later years, he traveled to Gao 'an and died in Dayu. "It's been 50 years, and Su Dongpo is just 49 years old now. Judging from the time and place and many people's similar dreams, Su Dongpo has no objection to being reincarnated as a monk with five precepts.
Su Dongpo later wrote to Yun 'an and said, "It's ridiculous that monks are not afraid of jokes and have the cheek to come out! However, since it is a Buddhist opportunity, I will work hard and hope to return to my original place in the future. This is a great honor. "
Su Dongpo always likes to wear monk's clothes, which may be caused by previous life. On one occasion, Song Zhezong asked Chen Yan, the chamberlain, "What is Su Dongpo wearing under his royal robes?" Chen Yan said, "This is the monk's clothes." Zhezong laughed.
When Su Dongpo was in Hangzhou, he traveled to Shouxing Temple near the West Lake with his friends. Su Dongpo looked around and said to Can Liao, "I have never been here in my life, but everything I saw seems to have been experienced by myself. From here to Qiantang, there should be 92 steps. " After dialing the number, it was as he said. Su Dongpo said to Shen Liao, "I was a monk in the mountains in my last life and used to be in this temple." Since then, Su Dongpo has often come to this Buddhist temple to rest.
Huang tingjian's previous life
The first volume of Chun Zhu Moon Hee records that Huang Tingjian's predecessor was a woman. When Ting Jian was demoted to Fuling, he dreamed of this woman and told his predecessor what had happened. She claims that she often recites Hokkekyo, and she just wants to be a man again and become a world-famous man. Obviously, her wish has come true. As if to gain the trust of Huang Tingjian, she also pointed out a secret of Huang Tingjian, an unknown privacy. It's really private. Do you know that?/You know what? Do you know that?/You know what? This great poet and calligrapher actually has "underarm qi". What is "axillary qi"? It stinks! It's a bit embarrassing to have such a problem. According to this woman, Ting Jian has this problem with cause and effect. Because of past lives, he planted the fruits of today. The woman said, "The coffins buried somewhere are rotten, because the ant nest lives under the armpit, so it is very bitter." It turned out to be this nest of ants. It is not difficult to get rid of this problem. As long as we find this woman's grave, open it and "get rid of the ant colony", the unspeakable "hiding" can be eliminated immediately. Ting Jian did as he said, and sure enough, "there is no medicine to get rid of axillary qi."
According to the records of Xiushui County, Jiangxi Province, when Huang Tingjian was the magistrate of Huangzhou, he dreamed that he had arrived at a village at noon one day and saw a white-haired old woman leaning against the door as if waiting for someone. There is an incense table at the door with a bowl of celery noodles on it. Huang Tingjian felt hungry, so he picked up noodles and began to eat. After a while, he woke up and his mouth really smelled of celery. I had a dream for two days, and it was the same scene: eating noodles and waking up with celery in my mouth. Huang Tingjian felt very strange, so he avoided the path in his dream and came to a village. All the scenery is exactly the same as in his dream. The white-haired old woman he saw in his dream stood in front of the door, next to a bowl of fragrant celery noodles. Huang Tingjian came forward to ask the reason. The old woman said that today was the anniversary of her daughter's death. My daughter loved to eat celery noodles made by her before her death, so at this time of the year, she would put them on it to pay homage. Huang Tingjian thought, what a coincidence, today is his birthday, so he asked, how long has his daughter been dead? The old woman said, 26 years. Huang Tingjian was surprised. He is 26 years old. Later, I went into the house, and there was a big cupboard that had been dusty for many years. I didn't open the key because I didn't know where my daughter put it. Huang Tingjian thought for a moment and found the key easily. The cupboard is full of books and articles that the girl read before her death, which are exactly the same as his own previous exams. Huang Tingjian knew that he had returned to his former home. The old woman, who was naturally his mother in a previous life, brought her back to the government and supported her all her life.
Later, Huang Tingjian planted a bunch of bamboos in the back garden of the mansion and built a pavilion called "Di Cuixuan", in which Huang Tingjian's stone tablet was engraved. He boasted: "It seems that there are monks and customs." Be a loving person and experience the outside world. "This is obviously a feeling of reincarnation.