First, the main aspects: neat and serious, never afraid. When there is nothing, the heart is in the cavity, and when there is a need, it is single-minded and not mixed. Qingming is in the bow, like the rising sun. Respect the spirit: keep your clothes clean and tidy, keep your mind straight and serious, always be vigilant and check whether you have idleness or bad thoughts. Although sometimes it is not advisable to judge a person by his appearance, sometimes clothes are like a character. From a person's clothes and every move, we can see whether this temperament, growth process, temper and personality are worthy of communication. When it's okay, the heart is in the cavity. In today's society, advanced means of transportation, high-speed communication and convenient logistics. Let's have no distance from the world, get all kinds of information easily without leaving home, and our hearts will not be tempted by the colorful world. Once you do something, you should concentrate on it. Now too many things distract our attention, and fragmented articles and information quietly divide our time. There is a saying in the Buddhist scriptures, "You are a monk! If you catch your mind, it will be fixed. Once you have settled your mind, you can know the law of birth and death in the world. Therefore, you should always practice the rules diligently. " Only when you have no distractions and concentrate on your work can you keep yourself awake, and keep your creativity and passion for doing things. Nothing can be done as long as you are distracted.
Second, sit still: sit still for four hours at any time every day, and experience the kindness of going back and forth, just like Dingzhen.
? There is no time limit every day, and you must sit still for an hour. Experience the benevolence taught by saints, and let life condense, as leisurely and unshakable as Baoding. 24 hours a day, it's really hard to find a 1 hour to sit still. Zeng Guofan summed up four key words: "But it is hollow, not warm-hearted; But if you are tempted, you will not be tempted. "Sit with two plates while sitting quietly, with five hearts up and eyes closed. At the beginning, I couldn't sit still, my head couldn't stop, all kinds of things poured in, and my thoughts were myriad. I think of my family, friends, classmates and friends who are more developed than myself. I don't want to do nothing. As soon as I sit down, the past is like the wind. To achieve inner peace, you really need to keep practicing. Sometimes, you don't have to sit still, just let your heart calm down and you will feel different. Walking in the forest that day was not a rest day, only I walked quietly. Looking at the tall cypress trees, the dense and low grass, and the magpies twittering in the forest, my heart suddenly quieted down and everything seemed to stop. I feel my heart is back in the cavity. Inner emptiness, slowly learn to look inward, look at your heart, talk to yourself and reflect on your mistakes. When I really calmed down and began to learn to talk to myself, I felt that all my organs were moving slowly, which seemed to be a quiet time. It turns out that the Buddha said "smile at flowers" and Wang Yangming's "dragon field enlightenment" are all there. Silence produces wisdom. There really is. Continue to cultivate yourself and continue to live a quiet life.