It is said that once Wang Xizhi was drunk and had nothing to do, so he had to write, so he wrote Preface to Lanting. After Wang Xizhi woke up, he thought the Preface to Lanting was excellent, but some words were a little messy. He was going to write it again to make the words look more neat and beautiful.
Unexpectedly, no matter how absorbed he was in writing, he couldn't get into the state and couldn't write anything better than the words on that manuscript. He tried several times in succession, but it was still the same, so he had to give up.
After all, for Rainbow Xi Zhi, a master of calligraphy, it is necessary to enter a realm if he wants to write excellent calligraphy works. This realm is not something you can enter if you want to, but an opportunity.
Moreover, Wang Xizhi was drunk and wrote the preface to Lanting, which was a state of mind. When you are awake, you are ready to write again. That is another state of mind. Different moods make different natural calligraphy works.