He: He Qing Jiaqing four years-Tongzhi twelve years (1799- 1873), the word Zizhen, the name of Dongzhou Jushi, the name of Suao in the evening. In the sixteenth year of Daoguang, he was a scholar, edited and collated by officials, especially good at textual research, and the inscription was close at hand. Calligraphy is close to Yan Zhenqing, from the Zhou, Qin and Han Dynasties to the North and South Monuments of the Six Dynasties. They are all eager to follow each other and stand out. He is the author of Shuowen Jiezi Refutation.
Ho: The main chapter: Black Sister.
Sea girl Zhu An
It was named after the epitaph of a woman in black in the first year of Putai in the Northern Wei Dynasty (53 1). Yi Zongkui's "New World Theory and Skillful Art" said: "The epitaph of the black woman is unpretentious and famous." Zhang Hei's female name is Xuan, but Zhang Hei's epitaph is generally not called Zhang Xuan, which is to avoid the taboo of Emperor Kangxi. After Mr. He got this rubbings, he asked Bao to write an inscription on the back, saying, "This post is as beautiful as a royal shura, folded like Zhu Junshan, as wide as Zhang Menglong, and as quiet as a quiet fairy", which seems to have a wonderful combination of beauty. He wrote two more postscript, one of which said, "The patron saint wrote the North Monument, which was built twenty years earlier than me. His skill is profound, and his title plays an important role in Jiangnan, so he praises scholars. I know with a four-character rope that it didn't get pith at the North Monument. I remember asking Hao Bo, and his mouth was like a hanging river. After drinking, I was fascinated and I can't get it back today. " Secondly, I said, "After I got this post, I went to Dengzhou to watch the sea, and then I went to Chu. The following year, Bing Xu went to the capital, Ding Hai swam to the border, and then I returned to Chu. Wu Zixu returned to the capital in winter. Going back and forth more than 20 thousand miles, always in the middle of the river, sitting quietly and enjoying, I learned a lot. Ding got the book "Xin Xing Monument" written by Xue Shaobao in Song Dynasty. He never talked about things that ancient sculptors had never seen before, so he called it Erqi. Hey. " Although Bao advocated epitaph in the Northern Wei Dynasty, he was not clever in the choice of methods, so he could not be impressed. The latter remembers the joy opposite to this extension. It is not surprising that the room is named after this. Ji's Xin Xing Monument is also an orphan of China, and Zhang Hei's epitaph is two wonders, but it can also be envied by the whole world.
Sea girl Zhu An
He statue