Wang Xizhi practiced calligraphy diligently on weekdays, day and night, and sometimes even forgot to eat. His mother loved him very much and visited him in the study from time to time. However, she was afraid that her son would be distracted, so she often had to look out the window for a long time before leaving. Sometimes she would give her son a few steamed buns as a snack.
Once, Wang Xizhi felt hungry after practicing calligraphy for a long time. He picked up the steamed buns on the table, took a bite, and then put them down. He was so focused on writing that he put the steamed bun in the inkstone. When he picked it up to eat, his lips were stained with ink.
After reading this, I couldn’t help but blush. I didn't even take Wang Xizhi's studies half seriously, and often ate snacks while reading. Wang Xizhi's spirit of loving reading and diligent study is worthy of our praise, and even more worthy of our learning.
I remember one time, my mother said to me: "The final exam is about to come, I should study hard at home alone." My mother walked on the front foot, and I went out to play on the back foot, until I came home at noon to have a good meal. , and watched TV again. I have long forgotten what my mother said.
Another time, I was alone at home and had nothing to do, so I started practicing. But after practicing for a while, I felt boring. From now on, I will learn from Wang Xizhi this diligent and studious spirit.