Moreover, the source of filial piety to friends is like offering a chapter, and the merits of integrity articles are like keeping benevolence. They cannot be called Zen, but sincerity should be worshi
Moreover, the source of filial piety to friends is like offering a chapter, and the merits of integrity articles are like keeping benevolence. They cannot be called Zen, but sincerity should be worshiped. "It is also said that Hu Juren has a pure heart and a sincere practice. According to public opinions, it is also suitable to be worshiped together. Emperors all followed him. In the end of the Ming Dynasty, the only worshipers were Shouren and other four people. At first Shouren had no children. He raised his disciple Zheng Xian. In his later years, he gave birth to a son, Zheng Yi, who was orphaned at the age of two. At the beginning of Long Qing Dynasty, he passed away in the fifth year of Wanli. If he has no children, he will continue his career with his younger brother. Xianda's wife said: "I have no children, so my title will be passed down to my husband." From father to son, where will the prince go? "Xianxun was angry because he raised his son Ye Xun as his successor. When he died, Xian Xun was not attacked and died. Ye Xun thought he was not a legitimate heir, and he would eventually be given the title of Xianda, and because he was worried about the fight, he slandered Xianda and called him a beggar. But Bie Chengxun's disciple Xian Tong was the heir, and they fought repeatedly in the court and could not decide for decades. During the Chongzhen period, Xian Da Ziye Hongfu and Xian Tong Shudian were the governors, and they were afraid of disobedience. Ye Hao unexpectedly passed the throne first. Ye Hong was angry and went to the forbidden gate to sue Bu Shu. p> Shouren's disciples are all over the world, and his descendants are no longer mentioned. However, Ji Yuanheng encountered difficulties with Shouren.