Enjoy learning and forget worries, study diligently and think hard

Confucius played an indelible role in the inheritance of Chinese cultural genes. He established civilization and educated all living beings, and he himself was devoted to learning. It is said that Ye Gong asked Zilu how Confucius was as a person. Zilu did not answer, but Confucius said: "Young woman is not saying that, but she is a human being. She is so angry that she forgets to eat, and she is happy and forgets her worries. She does not know that old age is coming." Confucius's answer Makes me think.

His answer was very ordinary and modest. He was famous at that time, but he said lightly that he was just a person who studied hard, forgot to eat and sleep, and took learning as his hobby. He didn’t know what the old man was. . He could have said that he had the ambition of a swan and the character of a plum wife and a crane, but he didn't. He said that only if you treat learning as fun, you will not hate learning and will study all your life. People in the world may be able to do it for a while, but how many people can persist in it for a lifetime? We cannot persist in learning because we do not know the meaning of learning and do not like learning.

"The ancient scholars studied for themselves, but today's scholars study for others." Ancient scholars studied to enrich themselves, while later people studied to show off to others. Is it true? I'm a little skeptical. But Confucius studied for himself and for society. This is true. The true meaning of learning should be for oneself. In order to improve one's self-cultivation and improve inner quality, learning is entirely based on one's own needs and not due to external factors. I also have a deep understanding of this. I like history. History is not my major. I will not rely on it for a living in the future, but I will still take time to read history books every day. I will feel happy because I am rich inside. But what about calligraphy? I don't really like it, just because my good handwriting can be shown off in front of my friends, and maybe I can sell it for some money. I didn't pay much attention to it. I just wrote casually when I was bored, but every time I wrote, the words were ugly. Gradually, I stopped practicing. Now I haven't written for more than half a year. I just feel sad alone. If, like Confucius, you truly learn for yourself, you will gain something from learning and forget your worries with joy.

"Learning without thinking will lead to failure; thinking without learning will lead to peril." Confucius said that only by combining learning and thinking can we learn something. You should think more when you study. It is difficult to make progress by just learning without thinking. I think that only learning without thinking can only be called imitation. What is the difference between that and animals. The uniqueness of human beings lies in the fact that they have thoughts and can think. We must express it, use it, and make progress. If you just think without learning and have a hundred thousand whys, you will just work behind closed doors and achieve nothing. We must combine learning and thinking, draw inferences from one instance, draw inferences from analogies, enrich new knowledge through learning, and fill in gaps through thinking, which not only enhances the ability to learn, but also forms unique insights.

"You can become a teacher by reviewing the past and learning the new." After learning new knowledge, we still need to consolidate it. Merely studying without reviewing is like a monkey running a crotch with little effect. After learning theoretical knowledge, we need to apply it in practice. Zhao Kuo could only talk on paper, which put Zhao State into a dangerous situation. Many people around me have already obtained driver's licenses, but they dare not actually drive, so the driver's license is just a piece of waste paper to them. Therefore, when we learn English, we must use it, otherwise we won’t be able to speak a few fluent English sentences, so how can we be embarrassed to be called English majors.

In short, Confucius was diligent in studying and thinking, and was happy to forget his worries. He "didn't know that he was approaching old age." As my role model, I can't be too bad. I want to cultivate my interest in learning and love Go to school to study, be good at thinking, and become a person who has learned something. However, it may be difficult for me to learn for myself. I can only say, "Although I can't achieve it, I yearn for it."