1. Wang Yangming is an all-rounder and one of the six famous historians in history. In the field of literati, he is not single-minded at all. But others used to be knowledgeable but not proficient, and Wang Yangming is different. He is knowledgeable and proficient in business, and can make outstanding achievements in all fields. He can do well, even more than many people. This has also made many outstanding figures in the contemporary era, after reading Wang Yangming's books and listening to his thoughts, greatly admire him and sit up and take notice, and his noble personality has also amazed many people. His calligraphy is also very accomplished, and his literature is basically selected as the best article in the contemporary era.
Second, who said that literati can't be martial? Since ancient times, scholars have always been deeply impressed by history. Scholars are elegant and modest, and basically have nothing to do with war. But Wang Yangming is different. He is not only a scholar, but also an excellent strategist and politician. He can even fight bandits with the palm of his hand, which shows his superb military ability. In 35 days, he beat back the other side's 654.38+ 10,000-strong army with 30,000 improvised soldiers. He was really Zhuge Liang of the Ming Dynasty. None of the descendants commented on the use of soldiers in the Ming Dynasty because of Wang Yangming's correctness, which is also a very high evaluation of Wang Yangming.
Wang Yangming is a master of Wang Lu's theory of mind. He has many disciples, most of whom are full of peaches and plums. Even in the 2 1 century, his thoughts are not out of date. Many modern people highly admire his thought of the unity of knowledge and practice, leaving his footprints in all fields.