During the Opium War, he advocated the prohibition of opium and listed its harm: "Officials suck it, soldiers suck it and abolish it." The rich lose their homes and the poor lose their lives. "For governing a country, it attaches importance to cultivating vitality." It should care about talents and consolidate people's hearts. If you are a minister without words, you are talented; If there are no corrupt officials, ask Yan 'an. The recovery of vitality must be because of this. "And put forward the strategy of defending the British army, arguing that the British ships invading the Yangtze River should be" stuck along the river ",consume their food and ammunition, cut off their rear roads, and then fold them. After the failure of the Anti-Japanese War, Liu Yi wrote to Qi Juanzao, the minister of the Ministry of Commerce, opposing compensation for tobacco prices and war costs. It is believed that the key to governing the country lies in acquiring talents and consolidating people's hearts. During the Tongzhi period, Liu Kunyi, the governor of Jiangxi, compiled Records of Jiangxi and appointed him as the editor-in-chief. Yongfeng County Records and Ji 'an Prefecture Records have also been edited and edited, and they have all been appointed as editors-in-chief. Three ambitions are accomplished at the same time, and Yi has reached his twilight years. He said in "preface to the eighties": "There is no meeting day in life, and there is no leisure day in retirement."
Teaching with students and apprentices does not involve extremes and does not fall into emptiness. First, it is based on introspection and practice, and does not specialize in literary theory. It is never arbitrary to interpret one's life as words, and writing must conform to the purpose of "making a statement". Seek truth and have substance in words. Advocate "no imitation, no ingenuity." Act naturally, if you don't allow yourself. Although the words are shallow, they are often true. "About poetry, some people argue that" it is not necessary to standardize the Tang and Song Dynasties when writing poetry, but it does happen. "Both literature and poetry emphasize the word' truth'. He is good at calligraphy. When he gave a lecture at Bailuzhou Academy, he wrote: "Herons fly and don't follow the waves; The ground is lively and splashing, and there is no moisture. It was carved on the stone pillar in front of the college. The inscription "Huiqing Yuantai" embedded in the bell and drum tower is also its handwriting, which still exists today. He wrote 12 Wu Cun Chunzhai Wen Chao, 13 Wu Cun Chunzhai Shi Chao, and hundreds of thousands of unedited works, such as historical comments and quotations. Yi is in harmony with Qi Junzao (1793 ~ 1866) and writes poems.