What works did Aristotle write?
Aristotle is a famous thinker and philosopher in ancient Greece. "Nicomachean Ethics", "Eudemian Ethics", "Politics", "Athenian Constitution", "Great Ethics", "Eudemian Ethics", etc. are all from Aristotle De's works. Aristotle's works cover many fields, including psychology, aesthetics, philosophy, science, etc. It is one of Aristotle's masterpieces and tells Aristotle's views on the political system.
Aristotle's Quotations
"Politics" is a book compiled by Aristotle from 384 BC to 322 BC. "Politics" has various values. The world can not only understand the social conditions of Greece at that time, but also have a preliminary understanding of Greek ethics, politics, ideological education and other fields. For later scholars who studied Aristotle's thought, "Politics" was a must-read. In "Politics", Aristotle discussed the formation process of slavery and also discussed the relationship between education and politics from the formation process of slavery. In addition, Aristotle's educational propositions can also be seen in "Politics".
It is another masterpiece of Aristotle. From 384 BC to 322 BC, Aristotle completed the book Politics. Aristotle discusses philosophical issues in this book, such as what is the origin of existence and what is the fundamental cause of existence. In 1983, the Commercial Press of China published Aristotle's "Metaphysics". The fourteen volumes of AD *** were all compiled by Aristotle's students based on Aristotle's words and deeds. This book will become an important source of philosophical research in the future.
What family did Aristotle belong to in ancient Greece?
To answer the question about the Aristotle family, we must first know what kind of person Aristotle was, what kind of life he spent, and what achievements he made. Ya has been involved in a wide range of things throughout his life and has made many achievements. Any of these achievements can go down in history and become famous. Therefore, the expression "who" is simply not enough to summarize its many achievements.
Aristotle Statue
Ya’s political achievements are remarkable. He discussed, analyzed, and commented on the different political systems he saw at the time, and refuted some political propositions at the time, such as the elimination of family private property, the emergence and existence of the family, and the necessity of its existence.
Ya’s achievements in education include advocating for public education and advocating for relative fairness in education. This means that all young people, regardless of their origins, have the possibility of receiving education; as for specific teaching methods, he prefers on-site teaching and experimental teaching rather than traditional sit-down teaching. In other words, “it is difficult to talk on paper but difficult to do”. At the same time, we must be good at independent thinking and avoid blind worship and superstition.
Aristotle was also very good at analysis, which is what today is called logic. He pointed out that this subject is the basic means for the in-depth study of all other subjects. In addition, he collected hundreds of organisms that were uncommon at the time and dissected some of them, making him the founder of biology. In physics, many different conclusions have been proposed. He also made great achievements in philosophy.
In short, if you ask Aristotle what kind of family he is, you can only say that such questions or descriptions are simply not enough to cover his profound knowledge, great achievements, and great life. For such an encyclopedia, words like sage or great can only be used to match it.
What is the connection between Aristotle and Galileo?
Aristotle was a person from ancient Greece. During his lifetime and for a long time after his death, he was regarded as the greatest philosopher, the wisest elder, etc. In short, Aristotle thinks for everyone, and his opinions and conclusions are never wrong.
Statue of Aristotle
16th century Italian. He was born into a broken aristocratic family. He made many important achievements in his life and was recognized as a wise man. But even so, the two are completely from two eras. Without a time machine, direct conversation is unlikely.
What does it matter?
In fact, Aristotle and Galileo did have "close contact." You know that Galileo devoted his life to the study of natural sciences. Many new perspectives were proposed. Ordinary people in China are very familiar with the famous "Leaning Tower Experiment." Yes, the first public match between the two took place here. Galileo claimed to do an experiment in the Leaning Tower to verify Aristotle
But these advocates themselves had their own internal conflicts first. Some people thought that the light one would drag down the heavy one, so the speed slowed down. ; Some people think that the heavier ones have the upper hand, so they speed up; however, the fact is that whether they are light, heavy or tied together, the landing time of the three objects is the same.
This is the cross-era confrontation between Aristotle and Galileo.