In December of the seventh year of Shunzhi, Prince Dourgen, Regent and Prince Rui were born in Kara City.
Renchen, go to smell and mourn the earthquake, and all the subjects are subdued. Bingshen, bereavement and relatives are all in the suburbs.
Ji Hai said, "Emperor Taizong was promoted to a distant position, and all the generals were dressed as regents. Wang Jiahuai made me bow to my knees and helped me pacify the Central Plains. Unfortunately, I died, and I was heartbroken. Chinese and foreign funerals are all in accordance with the emperor's ceremony. "
Gengzi, receive the letter from the late Regent and keep it in the library.
Chen Jia, who respected the late Regent, made great contributions to Maude's extensive cultivation, established a government, sincerely respected the emperor, and the temple name became a Sect.
In February of eight years, Ji Hai violently accused Dourgen at home and abroad, cut his title, beheaded his mother and wife, and retired to the temple to enjoy happiness.
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I was in Kara in December when I was nineteen.
I was sad to hear about it. After the funeral, Wang was greeted for drinking outside Dongzhimen with his military uniform.
Zhao Zhui revered Mao Zude, a Taoist priest, a statesman, a civilian, a political and righteous emperor, and the temple number became a Sect.
In the first month of next year, the princess will be the queen of justice. Ruocitang
After the king had no children, Dolbeau, the son of Prince Yu, attacked the prince and gave him three times the salary of kings.
Imperial edict cut rank, exit the temple to enjoy, and then posthumous title, filial piety fierce queen, went to the temple, lost the imperial clan, with property into the officer, Dolbeau returned to the ancestors.
-"Draft of the History of Qing Dynasty", Wang Chuansi.