Wang Ji, the word reactive, is from Longmen, Jiangzhou. He is wangtong's younger brother. At the age of fifteen, I went to Chang 'an to pay my respects to Su Yang, the Prime Minister. Everyone present admired his handsome and keen sense and regarded him as a fairy-like boy.
At the end of the great cause of the Sui Dynasty, he was elected as filial piety and was awarded the title of minister of orthography. I didn't like working in the imperial court. I resigned on the grounds of illness and was awarded the position of Xiancheng in Liuhe County, Yangzhou. The emperor of Sui Dynasty delayed the state affairs because of his drinking. At that time, the world was in chaos, so he sneaked in a canoe overnight on the pretext of a stroke. I also lamented: "Skynet is long, sparse and not leaking!" So I went back to my hometown.
Tang Wude was middle-aged, and the emperor requisitioned the officials of the former dynasty and waited in the door. Ji Wang's younger brother Wang Jing said to Ji Wang, "Are you happy waiting for the date?" Wang Ji replied: "The salary to be hired is meager and the situation is bleak. It's just three liters of good wine, and it's still worth nostalgia. " When Jiang Guogong heard this, he said, "Three liters of good wine is not enough to keep Mr." So I hereby order him to drink a barrel of wine every day. Therefore, at that time, people called Wang Ji "Bachelor of Fighting Wine".
In the early years of Zhenguan, he resigned and returned to his hometown on the grounds of illness. Nearby, there is a eldest son named Guang, who is also a hermit and has no family children. Ji Wang liked his sincerity and purity, so he built a hut nearby and drank with him every day. Ji Wang has several handmaiden, a variety of yellow rice wine, yellow rice wine brewed in the spring and autumn. Keep geese and grow herbs for your own use. There is no special purpose to put Zhouyi, Zhuangzi and Laozi at your bedside. I took my own name, called "Donggaozi". Even if the secretariat visits him, he won't reply. Finally died at home. He is simple and arrogant, likes to drink, and can drink five fights at a time, so he wrote the biography of Mr. Five Fighting. Playing the piano, writing poetry, writing, and high spirits were unique at that time. He wrote a volume of "The Classic of Wine" and a volume of "The Book of Wine". Li commented: "He is the curator of the South Pavilion." There are other works, such as poems and poems, which are handed down to the world.
Later generations commented: When the Tang Dynasty was prosperous, stability was decreasing and turmoil was increasing. Even poor ordinary people rarely live a stable life. At that time, people who fished and hunted in remote places did not have to climb mountains or flee overseas. This is because people choose to retire out of morality. When you come down from Ji Wang, you sometimes come and go, but you are far away, with dangerous behavior and inferior language. After making a big mistake, you can often see them. Jumping up in the official career is also a wealth. Even if some of them were hired and promoted many times, they only quickly integrated into many talents. However, there will still be people who can't escape and die. Isn't it because of the wonderful calligraphy and wonderful articles that it is famous, noble in style and not in touch with the world? ! Articles are the great things that really make people immortal.
Wang Ji (about 589-644), born in Longmen County, Gujiangfu (Tonghua Town, Wanrong County, Shanxi Province, 1972 was included in Wanrong County from Hejin County), was a poet in the Tang Dynasty. At the end of sui dynasty, filial piety was given, except for the official word. Chao was unhappy, resigned on sick leave, and awarded Yangzhou Liuhe Cheng again. When the world was in chaos, I abandoned my official position and returned to my hometown. Before Tang Wude and the imperial edict, court officials stayed in this province. At the beginning of Zhenguan, he returned to He Zhu sick and devoted himself to Gaodong (now Suzhou Wuliu Scenic Area), hence the name "Donggaozi". Simple and arrogant, addicted to alcohol, can drink five fights. He made a biography of Mr. Wudou himself, wrote the wine classics and the wine spectrum, with the notes of Lao Hezhuang. His poems are near but not shallow, good in quality, really sparse, broad-minded and ambitious, catching up with Wei and Jin Dynasties. The body of law originated in the Six Dynasties and was formed in Sui and Tang Dynasties.