Confucius' attitude can be seen from seeing the sage Si Qi and choosing his goodness.
From the Analects of Confucius, Establishing Man and The Analects of Confucius, when you meet a man of noble character, you should learn from him and try to be as good as him. If you meet someone who is not very virtuous, you should reflect on yourself when you come back and try not to have similar shortcomings. When several people are together, there must always be one person who can let me learn something, and choose the good ones and the bad ones. This is a subjective and positive learning attitude. It emphasizes the basic qualities that individuals, as subjects of learning, should possess: First, they should have a correct learning attitude. "In a threesome, there must be a teacher." , lower your posture. Then we should have keen insight, clear judgment and superior understanding, and correctly distinguish and choose what is the core between "virtue" and "immoral", "good" and "bad", "thinking" and "following". You also need decisive execution, strong willpower, vacillation and indecision. Since the purpose is to be a saint, there must be something different from a non-saint. Attitude is not a problem here. Since the formation of human society, being kind has been one of human nature. The current "money worship" and "idolization" can be seen. But what is good is extremely important. Distorted values and bad social atmosphere will lead us to misjudge "good" and get lost. The sage used "qi" and "obedience" in these two sentences, but he didn't mean to surpass them. Modesty is a virtue, but compared with today, it is of great significance, so we should criticize it selectively!