1. Wang Xizhi once said: "The words are like the person, and the person is like the words." Practicing calligraphy can reflect a person's personality and temperament and enhance personal charm.
2. Yan Zhenqing once said: "A black-haired person does not know how to study hard, and a white-headed person regrets studying late." Practicing calligraphy requires persistent efforts. Only by practicing from a young age will you not regret it when you are old.
3. Su Shi once said: "Calligraphy is prepared in the main script, and the overflow is used as cursive writing." Practicing calligraphy can cultivate people's moral character and cultivate their sentiments.
4. Zhao Mengfu once said: "Calligraphy is based on the use of pens, but tying words also requires work." Practicing calligraphy can help us better master the method of using pens and improve our writing skills.
5. Liu Gongquan once said: "A correct heart means a correct pen." Practicing calligraphy can cultivate people's moral character and perseverance, which will benefit people for life.