First, Dongpo lay people do not cherish books, but they should not beg for books. People who beg for books should be blamed for this, or they won't agree at all. Every time I look at the paper on the case, I don't choose fine or coarse, and the books are all on me. Sex wine, but you can't lie down without thanking for four or five years, snore like thunder, wake up less, and write like rain. Although banter is meaningful, it is really immortal. Is this a struggle with people in this world?
Su Dongpo is not stingy with his calligraphy, but he can't be asked to write. Whenever he is asked to write, he will criticize him seriously and sometimes give him nothing. During the reign of Yuan You, he worked in the Ministry of Rites. Every time he comes to see the paper on the table, no matter what the quality of the paper is, he will write it on it. He likes drinking and writing like a storm. Even if he is joking, it makes sense. How amazing! Where can contemporary academicians compare with him?
Secondly, the words on Dongpo bamboo slips are warm and without any vulgarity. How many people can write books in this world? Although it is stipulated that Gu Mo people have their own strengths, they are naturally self-employed, with a round pen and rhyme. It is said that they are all four sons. On May 2nd, the year of Jian 'an, I have been watching boats in Shashi. The audience with me is Liu and Wang Lin's younger brother, who is a lonely little son.
Su Dongpo's bamboo slips are warm and have no secular habits. Now they claim to be able to write in Chinese calligraphy. Even though they have their own strengths in learning from the ancients of Limo, they are naturally delicate and win with charm, that is, they are as long as four sons (four famous calligraphers) and change their shortcomings. On May 4th, 2000, I saw Su Dongpo's calligraphy on a boat in Shashi. Everyone is watching Wang Xiang, the younger brother of Liu and Wang Lin.