Emperor Taizong (1) went to court (2), and Wang wrote a book about the right army (3), which won him the law and served the Hanlin (4). The emperor listened to politics, paid attention to writing, and sent several attendants to read books. Every time I think that I am not good, Taizong Yi deliberately goes to school. Ask again, as before. Or ask what it means and write: "The book is solid. If you call it good, you will be afraid that the emperor will lose his intention. " Later, the emperor's brushwork was excellent, surpassing ancient times, and the world thought it was conducive to rules.
(Wang Bizhi's Notes on Swallows in Lushui)
Note ① Taizong: Zhao Kuangyi, from Song Taizong. (2) Dynasty: the rule of a generation of monarchs (3) Right Army: refers to Wang Xizhi, a famous calligrapher in Jin Dynasty. (4) Hanlin: the emperor's literary attendant. ⑤ ⑤: In a hurry.