Zheng Banqiao was a middle-aged scholar and served as a magistrate. In case of famine, Zheng Banqiao reported the facts and urged the people to help. He also ordered rich households to take turns to provide porridge for the hungry. He also took the lead in donating his salary. He carved a seal saying, "I can't wait to fill the universal hunger debt." Because he offended his boss by helping the affected poor to complain and give relief, he simply resigned and said, "If an official doesn't make decisions for the people, it's better to go home and sell sweet potatoes." Going back to Yangzhou to sell paintings for a living.
Zheng Banqiao's Story 2
Zheng Banqiao loves to draw bamboo, and his bamboo branches are few and thin. As long as you look at his poems in the painting room, you will understand the implication of his paintings. He uses bamboo as a metaphor for people and bamboo as a metaphor for himself.
When he was a county magistrate in Shandong Province, he sent a thin bamboo picture to Xun Xian, with a poem saying: "My family is lying listening to Xiao Xiaozhu, and I suspect it is the voice of the people's sufferings; Some small officials in Caozhou County always care about their feelings. " Later, he offended his boss because he opened a warehouse to help the affected refugees. When he resigned from his post and returned to the field, he painted thin bamboo and gave it to a gentleman in Weixian County. The poem said: "When the black gauze is thrown away, it is not an official, and the bag is rustling and the sleeves are cold. Write a thin bamboo and use it as a fishing rod on the river in autumn. " From these two bamboos and two poems, it can be seen that Banqiao, whether he is an official or resigns, is more realistic and knows the sufferings of the people. He doesn't have too much leisure and elegance to sing about the wind and the moon, but only draws a few thin bamboos to write about his chest. After returning to his hometown, Zheng Banqiao lived a poor and virtuous life by painting bamboo.
Zheng Banqiao's story 3
Zheng Banqiao's calligraphy is mixed with seal script, official script, line script and model script, and it is mainly official script. It has both the aesthetic feeling of painting and originality, and it calls itself "six-and-a-half-book", which is called "littering the streets" by the world. Its calligraphy is "difficult to be confused" and "to suffer a loss is a blessing", and it has been loved by people from all walks of life and widely.
Zheng Banqiao's Story 4
Zheng Banqiao only painted orchids, bamboos and stones in his life. He thinks that the blue flowers are not thanked at four seasons, the bamboo is evergreen and the stone is invincible, which coincides with his stubborn character. His paintings are usually only a few sticks of bamboo, a stone and a few pens. The composition is extremely simple, but the layout is very clever, and the three-dimensional sense is highlighted with dark ink. Bamboo leaves and orchid leaves are all hooked, although there is only one black one, but it makes people feel the vitality of orchid bamboo. He painted a few bamboos, no more than four. These seemingly simple bamboos are hard-working and diligent in observation. He looks at them in the morning, at dusk, in the moonlight, in the rain and in the wind, and he has a good idea. Therefore, he said, "In the past 4 years, I have painted bamboo branches, and I have been thinking at night, and I have cut all the thin bamboo, and painting is ripe when I am alive." Therefore, painting bamboo on Banqiao is to integrate one's character, insight, ambition, love and hate into pen and ink.