Zi, Zi, the seventh son of Wang Xizhi, a great calligrapher in Jin Dynasty. In China, he and his father are called "two kings". Wang Xianzhi has little ink, but many prints. But none of them have much influence. But his book Luo Shen Fu is a well-known masterpiece. His calligraphy and Cao Zhi's articles are a perfect match. Although this work is small print, the calligraphy and painting are beautifully written and the ink is flying. The structure is exquisite, the strokes are vigorous and steady, the density is properly matched, the word spacing is wide and comfortable, it contains beautiful rhythm and charm, and the opening technique is refined and colorful.
Its remarkable characteristics are: the pen is fine and vigorous, Fiona Fang can be used at the same time, light and smart, and it is simple and elegant in heavy quality; The knot is slightly longer, the right shoulder is slightly raised, and the posture is tilted to one side, relaxing and natural. "Chinese characters are hard to be dense; Small print is hard to be generous, more than enough. " Committed to the typesetting of small characters, not only the spacing between words is wide and sparse, but also the points in words and pictures are more than enough. Although the words are small, there is no sense of crowding and bondage. After reading its brushwork and momentum, it looks magnificent, just like a marching array, each with its own position. Wang Xianzhi created a continuous cursive script, which was called "a stroke", and this calligraphy style was also infiltrated by him in small letters. In The Thirteen Lines, the strokes are rich and corresponding, the words are warm and full, and the lines are coherent with each other, forming a whole. Although the strokes are incoherent, the meaning runs through the whole article. Although it is a small calligraphy, it contains the charm of running grass, and there is a vivid sense of life.
But we can see this kind of calligraphy, and according to some calligraphy records, there are only 13 lines left in the engraving since the Song Dynasty, with only 350 words left, and we can't figure out the reason and whereabouts of the loss. Many archaeologists and cultural relics experts also failed to find the whole book. This artistic treasure of calligraphy and literature will be broken. It can be seen that in our country with a vast territory and a long history, it is difficult to completely preserve an artistic treasure.