From Historical Records Confucius Family: "When Confucius was in office, he listened to the lawsuit, and his words were unique to others. As for the Spring and Autumn Annals, a pen is a pen, and cutting is cutting. People in Xia Xia can't be praised. "
For example:
1. In the Spring and Autumn Period, there were three well-known verbs, such as "kill, kill, kill". This example comes from the eighth chapter of Mencius Liang Wang Hui: "I have heard of killing my husband, but I have never heard of killing my king."
Because killing means killing without guilt, killing means committing the following crimes, and killing means killing with guilt and reason. In this article, the word "punishment" is used instead of "killing", which means that the author thinks that Shang Zhouwang should be killed because of his crimes, not because of the following crimes. This is an example of a well-known verb in the Spring and Autumn brushwork.
2. "The emperor died and collapsed, the princes died, the doctors died, the scholars died and Shu Ren died." Different uses of death are embodied in the spring and autumn brushwork of "graceful and logical", which is intended to be euphemistic and taboo. That is, "taboo is respect, taboo is pro, taboo is sacred", which is a unique phenomenon in ancient China.