Emperor Wanli was only ten years old when he ascended the throne. Zhang is a scholar and knowledgeable, and was appointed as the teacher of the little emperor by the Queen Mother. He is very strict with the emperor's students, and his daily life and every move are supervised by teachers. Zhang always uses the requirements of sages to regulate students' behavior and behave like an emperor. Under this strict guidance, Emperor Wanli revered his teacher from the bottom of his heart and handed over all the affairs of the country to Zhang.
Such a close relationship between teachers and students, the relationship between the monarch and the minister, could have been said to be beautiful, but things are always unsatisfactory. As the saying goes, company is like a tiger. Zhang neglected that he taught not only a child but also a student. He is his immediate superior, the Ninth Five-Year Plan Emperor. Zhang is too strict with him. Emperor Wanli studied calligraphy since childhood, and calligraphy was very good. I often write some words to the ministers around me. Zhang is also a person who often gets words from the emperor. Filial piety is proud of calligraphy as a hobby, but within two years, Zhang advised the emperor not to get too drunk on the grounds that calligraphy is the last skill, and forcibly canceled the calligraphy class that the emperor had to attend every day. It can be seen from such a trivial matter that Zhang's tough and uncompromising style hurt the little emperor's heart. Later, another time, the little emperor got drunk in the middle of the night, and there were two eunuchs around him, fooling around in the palace. As a result, she was severely reprimanded by Empress Dowager Cixi the next day. Zhang made his own decision and transferred all the eunuchs who played with him to the emperor. He also forced the emperor to issue a "confession" to the people of the whole country. The wording was so harsh that the little emperor found it unbearable. Under such repeated blows, Emperor Wanli's feelings for Zhang gradually changed from awe to resentment.
In the ten years of Wanli, Zhang, who was in charge of state affairs, died of illness. Twenty-year-old Wanli was full of confidence and began to lead the country. However, Emperor Wanli soon discovered that although Zhang was dead, his shadow still influenced the court. Emperor Wanli still couldn't handle government affairs according to his own wishes, and the government was full of officials dismissed by Zhang. In addition, he gradually discovered that Zhang, who has always been regarded as a saint by him, asked the emperor to become a saint, which was not as sacred as he looked. I like women and the secret art in the room that he often criticizes. Zhang is also greedy for money and has experience in accepting bribes. All this made the sacred aperture on his head fall off. The emperor began to think that Zhang He was two completely different people. He asked others to be frugal, but he was extremely extravagant; He asked others not to approach women, but he longed for beauty, and so on. Besides, if you want to lead your own government now, you must sweep away Zhang's shadow in North Korea and destroy his legacy.
So, he gave a knife first. He is a staunch supporter of Zhang and the eunuch leader, who helped him communicate with the harem. At first, Li Taihou was very strict with Zhu Yijun's study and practice. He was supervised everywhere and was often beaten on the knee. Most of them are from Feng Bao. As the eyes and ears of the Queen Mother, she often reports Zhu Yijun's mistakes to the Queen Mother, who is punished for every accusation. Therefore, Zhu Yijun is very afraid of Feng Bao. Sometimes he had to please Feng Bao, but deep down, he planted hatred for Feng Bao. Now that he is in power, he immediately caught some misdeeds of Feng Bao and demoted him to Nanking. After Zhang's death, everyone who tasted the sweetness of touching people pointed their finger at it. He wants to kill two birds with one stone. On the one hand, you can establish your own authority and command platform; On the other hand, I also want to collect a large sum of money from the Zhang family. In March of the 11th year of Wanli, under the pretext of Zhang's domineering position and abuse of power for personal gain, he ordered Zhang to be named "Emperor Tai" and "Emperor Tai" and "Wen Gong", and expelled a group of courtiers who had close ties with Zhang in those years. Zhang's son was demoted to. Later, people were sent to raid the Zhang family, causing more than a dozen descendants of the Zhang family to be shut up at home and starve to death. In the end, the Zhang family only found 2000 yuan and 2200 silver. The eunuch sent to deal with this matter felt that the result was not good, so he explained it to the emperor and arrested Zhang's eldest son Shangshu for torture. Under torture, Zhang bit at random and said that the three of us still had 302 thousand hidden in Zeng's house. As a result, these three families also became the victims of this property confiscation and were all attacked. Zhang's son was forced to commit suicide, and the tragic situation in China shocked the ruling party and the opposition party.
In August of the twelfth year of Wanli, the imperial edict announced that Zhang was suspected of committing a crime and sent all his brothers, sons and grandchildren to the border. At this point, a farce of buying a house ended. Finally got rid of Zhang's psychological shadow. It's just that Zhang's reform efforts have been in vain.