On this day, a sumptuous banquet was held in the Prime Minister's Mansion, and Xu Deyan attended the banquet as promised with a heavy heart. A minister of national subjugation came to the magnificent prime minister's office with cloth and sandals. The Prime Minister of the DPRK treated him like a VIP, but Princess Lechang, the guest's old wife, accompanied him as the master's favorite princess. This is embarrassing. After a polite greeting, the two sides took their seats in turn. Princess Lechang looked at the old gentleman, not knowing what to say, and silently wrote a poem:
How to move today, new officials versus old officials;
It's hard to be a man if you dare not laugh or cry.
The poem vividly shows Princess Lechang's dilemma with her new and old husbands at that time. After three rounds of drinking, Xu Deyan outlined the situation after she left. Princess Lechang got the message. After a few words of comfort, she politely asked her husband to remarry. Because I have my own place, I can't renew my friendship with him and spend the rest of my life together
Xu Deyan was filled with sorrow. He said slowly to Princess Lechang, "Goodbye, my wish is enough. I will never get married again in my life. After returning to Jiangnan, I am going to escape into Buddhism and spend the rest of my life with Deng Qing. " Then she hid her face and wept, and Princess Lechang was in tears when she heard his oath.