HIP HOP is divided into several styles

Hip-Hop is a cultural term, including Rapping, DJing, Graffiti, Breaking. Rap: is a word in black slang, equivalent to "talking" , produced in a poor black neighborhood in New York. It is characterized by a series of rhymed verses spoken rapidly against a background of mechanical rhythmic sounds. One source of this form is the rapid, rhyming jargon used by radio presenters in the past when introducing records. Graffiti: Graffiti, in the dictionary, means drawing or writing on a public wall. Today, the traditional spray painting and street forms of graffiti art have had a certain impact on artists around the world. As a sales tool, early Hip-Hop party promotions always asked graffiti artists to design flyers and posters. But later in the 1980s, Hip-Hop had been widely introduced and accepted by the public. For a period of time, Hip-Hop was not about trafficking culture, nor did it bring in the early graffiti form. Whether it is the special techniques or spray painting techniques in graffiti, it also has an impact on the art form, such as the angry graffiti of the Mexican Revolution. Today, in American cities overrun by gangs, warnings of each other's turf and threats of violence are also communicated through graffiti. Indie: The abbreviation of Independent refers to the fact that the record company to which the artist belongs is an Independent Label (independent company). Unlike the world's five major record companies, which have extremely large distribution networks, they can design overall designs for singers such as styling and promotional activities. Since Major (i.e., the five major record company systems) can provide artists with the best recording engineers, accompanists and other objective environments, and formulate complete marketing plans. Therefore, they often have the ability to mold an ordinary person into a big star. More importantly, in the past In order to consider commercial interests, good artists under major record companies are often forced to sacrifice some ideals and persistence. This is why die-hard rock fans spurn the strong commercial nature of Major and support some Indie record companies that allow artists to produce their own albums and release albums according to their own ideals without doing a lot of commercial promotion.